




Gudrun Mertes-Frady
48.2 X 60.9 X 0.1 cm 19.0 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,350.00
Fire and iceFire and ice
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Fire and ice
76.2 X 50.8 X 0.1 cm 30.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,550.00
Shooting StarsShooting Stars
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Shooting Stars
91.5 X 63.5 X 0.1 cm 36.0 X 25.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,700.00
The Secret Life of PlantsThe Secret Life of Plants
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
The Secret Life of Plants
91.5 X 63.5 X 0.1 cm 36.0 X 25.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,700.00
Love LetterLove Letter
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Love Letter
50.8 X 66.0 X 0.1 cm 20.0 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,450.00
Tide meets the RiverTide meets the River
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Tide meets the River
55.8 X 76.2 X 0.1 cm 22.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,450.00
Sun in the balanceSun in the balance
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Sun in the balance
55.8 X 76.2 X 0.1 cm 22.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,450.00
City moves IICity moves II
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
City moves II
55.8 X 76.2 X 0.1 cm 22.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,450.00
City moves ICity moves I
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
City moves I
55.8 X 76.2 X 0.1 cm 22.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£1,450.00
Opposing Currents no.IIIOpposing Currents no.III
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Opposing Currents no.III
61.0 X 61.0 X 3.8 cm 24.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 促銷價£2,700.00
Opposing Currents no.IIOpposing Currents no.II
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Opposing Currents no.II
61.0 X 61.0 X 3.8 cm 24.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 促銷價£2,700.00
Opposing Currents no.IOpposing Currents no.I
Gudrun Mertes-Frady
Opposing Currents no.I
61.0 X 61.0 X 3.8 cm 24.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 促銷價£2,700.00





古德倫·梅特斯-弗雷迪 圖像 2


Mertes-Frady 在繪畫和素描之間轉換她的創作。這兩者的過程相當不同。


她在 Mylar 上的創作隨著時間的推移而演變。她使用墨水和水性媒介的混合物,創造出分層的表現主義抽象作品,經常利用半透明表面的正面和背面來增加立體感和深度。


古德倫·梅特斯-弗雷迪 圖像 3
古德倫·梅特斯-弗雷迪 圖像 4


在一篇關於梅特斯-弗雷迪(Mertes-Frady)作品的文章中,著名藝術記者莉莉·韋(Lilly Wei)寫道:“她的作品持續散發著光芒.....一種幾乎是季節性的照明,從淡淡的冬日的內斂到春天的光輝,從夏天的刺眼到更陰沉的色調,感覺從晶瑩剔透的精緻轉變為緩慢而低沉的隆隆聲....還有潛藏在下面的東西,像是隱約的痕跡:歷史、家譜、考古,既是過程也是詩學的痕跡。”


Mertes-Frady 在美國和歐洲舉辦了超過 20 次個展。





Solo Exhibitions

2018 Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY
2016 Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, Bridgehampton, NY
2015 Cynthia Reeves, MASS MoCA Way, North Adams, MA
2014 Michael Trierweiler Contemporary Art, Weimar, Germany
2013 Mark Wolf Contemporary, San Francisco, CA
2010 Piquion+Trierweiler, Weimar, Germany
2010 ART Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
2009 Maud Piquion, Berlin, Germany
2009 Cynthia-Reeves, New York, NY
2007 Reeves-Contemporary, New York, NY
2007 Spheris Gallery, Hanover, NH
2005 Reeves-Contemporary, New York, NY
2003 Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
2002 Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
2000 Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
1999 Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
1997 Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
1995 Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
1994 Stephen Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY
1992 Stephen Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY
1991 Galerie Lommel, Cologne-Leverkusen, Germany

Selected Group Exhibitions

2016 “Metalpoint and Graphite” Cynthia Reeves, Walpole, NH
2015 "August Geometry”, Maria Wood Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2015 Art in Embassies, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
2015 Sideshow Nation III, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn
2015 Paperazzi, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2014 Paper Show, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2014 Sideshow Nation II, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2013 Sideshow Nation, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2012 “Paper Bands”, Jason MCCoy Gallery, New York, NY
2012 Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2012 “Mic : Check”, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2011 Mark Wolf Contemporary, San Francisco, CA
2011 “Divergent Affinities”, Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, curated by Barbara Harberger
2008 Nuture Art Benefit, curated by Lilly Wei, James Cohan Gallery, New York, NY
2008 “Small Works Show”, 80 Washington Square Galleries, New York, NY
2007 Reeves-Contemporary, New York, NY
2005 Spheris Gallery, Hanover, NH
2003 “A Common Thread”, Hennepin County Government Center, Saint Paul, MN
2002 “Here is New York”, Corcoran Gallery, Washington, DC
2002 “Here is New York”, Les Recontres d’Arles, Arles, France
2002 “Here is New York”, Martin Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
2002 “Here is New York”, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
2002 “Here is new York”, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
2002 “Here is New York”, University of California, Berkley, CA
2001 “Synopsis”, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
2001 “Art 2001”, e1 Gallery, London, England
2000 “Sun Signs”, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
2000 “(Un)Resolved”, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, New York, NY
1996 Art Initiative Gallery, New York, NY Group exhibition, curated by Stephen Rosenberg
1994 “Summer Solstice”, Stephen Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY curated by Fran Kaufman
1993 "Cadavre Exquis", The Drawing Center, New York, NY
1993 "The Tenth Summer", Stephen Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY

Selected Public Collections

The Busch-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Art in Embassies, Permanent Collection, US Consulate, Dubai, UAE
The Rockefeller University, New York, NY
Collection Werner Kramarsky, New York, NY
Universal Music, London, England
Collection Gwyneth Paltrow, NY
Cohen & Lord, Santa Monica, CA
Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, Minneapolis, MN
Kurt Solomon Associates International
Princess Cruise Lines, Los Angeles, CA (commission)
Thomas Weisel Partners, San Francisco, CA
Collection at Coventry, Fort Washington, PA
GENSLER Project, Miami, FL
50 UN Plaza, NY

Selected Bibliography

2016 Charles A. Riley II, Hamptons Art Hub, August 31
2015 Jerry Cullum, Arts Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, August 26
2011 Edith Newhall, Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, PA, January 17
2009 Martin Stolzenberg, TLZ, Weimar, Germany, December 9
2009 Andrea Hilgenstock, Die Welt, Berlin, Germany, November 17
2009 Jens Hindrichsen, Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Germany, November 3
2007 Constance Wyndham, Artnews, May
2007 Mario Naves, Catalogue Essay, Reeves-Contemporary
2007 Joseph Wallentini, Review, Abstract Art Online, April
2004 Edward Leffingwell, Art in America, May
2003 Ann Landi, ARTnews, December
2003 Mario Naves, New York Observer, October 1
2002 Lilly Wei, Catalog Essay, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, NYC
2000 Ken Johnson, The New York Times, November 3
2000 Joseph Wallentini, Review, Abstract Art Online, November
1999 Joseph Wallentini, Artist Profile, Abstract Art Online, June
1999 Jeannie Wilkinson, Catalogue Essay, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, NYC
1999 Joseph Wallentini, Artist Profile, Abstract Art Online, June
1997 Lissa McClure, Review, Magazine
1997 Arlene Raven, Catalog Essay, Rosenberg + Kaufman Fine Art, NYC

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