




Love Affair 9Love Affair 9
Jaanika Peerna
Love Affair 9
137.2 X 91.4 X 0.0 cm 54.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£6,200.00
Love Affair 6Love Affair 6
Jaanika Peerna
Love Affair 6
137.2 X 91.4 X 0.0 cm 54.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£6,200.00
Blue Melt 19Blue Melt 19
Jaanika Peerna
Blue Melt 19
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£4,200.00
Ablation Zone 6Ablation Zone 6
Jaanika Peerna
Ablation Zone 6
203.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 80.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£5,250.00
Tipping Point #7Tipping Point #7
Jaanika Peerna
Tipping Point #7
137.16 X 91.44 X 0.0 cm 54.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£5,900.00
Tipping Point #5Tipping Point #5
Jaanika Peerna
Tipping Point #5
137.16 X 91.44 X 0.0 cm 54.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£5,900.00
Thaw 14Thaw 14
Jaanika Peerna
Thaw 14
121.9 X 91.4 X 0.0 cm 48.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£3,900.00
Gushing 3Gushing 3
Jaanika Peerna
Gushing 3
121.9 X 91.4 X 0.0 cm 48.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£4,050.00
Big Blue Melt 14Big Blue Melt 14
Jaanika Peerna
Big Blue Melt 14
132.0 X 182.3 X 0.0 cm 52.0 X 71.8 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£7,050.00
Big Melt #16Big Melt #16
Jaanika Peerna
Big Melt #16
134.62 X 91.44 X 0.0 cm 53.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£4,750.00
Big Melt #10Big Melt #10
Jaanika Peerna
Big Melt #10
134.62 X 91.44 X 0.0 cm 53.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£5,900.00
Screech of Ice Series 43Screech of Ice Series 43
Jaanika Peerna
Screech of Ice Series 43
28.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 8.7 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£950.00
Screech of Ice Series 42Screech of Ice Series 42
Jaanika Peerna
Screech of Ice Series 42
28.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 8.7 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£950.00
Screech of Ice Series 41Screech of Ice Series 41
Jaanika Peerna
Screech of Ice Series 41
28.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 8.7 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£950.00
Thaw 3Thaw 3
Jaanika Peerna
Thaw 3
134.6 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 53.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£6,300.00
Storm Series Horizontal 82Storm Series Horizontal 82
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series Horizontal 82
28.0 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£2,850.00
Storm Series (Ref 845)Storm Series (Ref 845)
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series (Ref 845)
45.8 X 45.8 X 0.0 cm 18.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£970.00
Storm Series (Ref 844)Storm Series (Ref 844)
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series (Ref 844)
45.8 X 45.8 X 0.0 cm 18.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£970.00
Small Maelstrom (Ref 855)Small Maelstrom (Ref 855)
Jaanika Peerna
Small Maelstrom (Ref 855)
45.8 X 45.8 X 0.0 cm 18.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£2,250.00
Small Maelstrom (Ref 854)Small Maelstrom (Ref 854)
Jaanika Peerna
Small Maelstrom (Ref 854)
45.8 X 45.8 X 0.0 cm 18.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£2,250.00
Maelstrom Series 67Maelstrom Series 67
Jaanika Peerna
Maelstrom Series 67
91.5 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£3,950.00
Maelstrom Series 68Maelstrom Series 68
Jaanika Peerna
Maelstrom Series 68
91.5 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£2,450.00
Maelstrom Series 77Maelstrom Series 77
Jaanika Peerna
Maelstrom Series 77
91.5 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促銷價£3,950.00
Storm Series Horizontal 43Storm Series Horizontal 43
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series Horizontal 43
28.0 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch


Thaw 2Thaw 2
Jaanika Peerna
Thaw 2
134.6 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 53.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch


Falls of SolitudeFalls of Solitude
Jaanika Peerna
Falls of Solitude
137.2 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 54.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch


Storm Series Horizontal 30Storm Series Horizontal 30
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series Horizontal 30
28.0 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch


Storm Series Horizontal 40Storm Series Horizontal 40
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series Horizontal 40
28.0 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch


Storm Series Horizontal 8Storm Series Horizontal 8
Jaanika Peerna
Storm Series Horizontal 8
28.0 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch


Jaanika Peerna 是一位出生於愛沙尼亞的藝術家,她的作品涵蓋了繪畫、視頻、裝置和表演。她通過直覺的身體動作創作出抽象的繪畫,這些動作受到舞蹈的啟發並讓人想起舞蹈。她在紐約、柏林和塔林生活和工作。




在 Peerna 的工作室中,她利用自己身體的物理動作來模擬自然力量,如落水、風、重力和動量。她將一張 Mylar 膜固定在板上,然後用雙手握住一把鉛筆。她將鉛筆的尖端觸碰到 Mylar 膜上,然後執行一個單一、流暢的全身動作,將鉛筆在表面上移動,以模仿自然現象的運動,如瀑布或風暴潮。在這個動作中,Peerna 的身體變得像釋放的水。鉛筆是 Peerna 身體性的延伸,而留在表面上的圖像則是這一獨特自然事件的瞬時記錄。

在工作室外,Peerna 有時會與音樂家、舞者和其他藝術家合作,將她的畫作在鋪展在地板上的 Mylar 上或懸掛在天花板上進行創作。她將鉛筆連接到 Mylar 的表面,然後在表面上移動,創造出記錄她在與夥伴互動時所做的直覺動作的痕跡。




Peerna的作品被納入美國和歐洲的多個私人收藏中,並且也被納入巴黎的國家當代藝術基金會(Fonds National d’Art Contemporain)的收藏中。




Peerna 在2016年法國巴黎的國際繪畫博覽會(Foire Internationale du Dessin)上獲得了FID大獎。


ARC Fine Art, 康涅狄格州
JHB 藝廊,紐約市


2005 MFA in Intermedia Design, SUNY New Paltz, USA, Visual Research Laboratory
1998 Fellowship for study at University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
1995 MA (Teaching Certification) in Art Education, Tallinn Pedagogical University, Estonia

Solo Exhibitions

2017 Jaanika Peerna, “Glacier Elegy”, Salon b, Montreal
2016 Jaanika Peerna, Galerie Ulf Larsson, Cologne
2015 Jaanika Peerna, Woodstock Artists Association and Museum, Woodstock, NY “Light Matter”, Hillyer Art Space, Washington DC “Light Matter” (catalogue), Kentler International Drawing Space, New York “Emerge.Submerge”, SG Gallery, Venice, Italy
2014 “Exercises for Lines”, Vaal Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia “Avanzare, Arretrare”, Rimini Drawing Biennial, Primo Piano Gallery, Rimini, Italy “Etenee – Vetäytyy”, Aarni Gallery, Espoo, Finland “Avanzare e Arretrare”, Ninapi Gallery, Ravenna, Italy
2013 “Vanishing Silence”, BeArt, Garrison, NY
2011 “Jaanika Peerna: drawings and videos”, Estonian Embassy, Washington DC
2010 “Edges of Wind and Light”, A.R.C. Fine Art, Fairfield, CT “Tuule äär/Windedge”, ArtDepoo Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2009 “Traces of a Sweet Connect”, Go North Gallery, Beacon, NY
2005 Thesis Show, Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, SUNY New Paltz
2003 “Climate of Sight,” Collaborative Concepts, Beacon, NY
2002 “Light Between Lines and Bits,” Linna (City) Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia “Lines in Silence,” Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY
2001 Art Academy Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2000 “Jaanika Peerna: photos and drawings” Estonian House, New York, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions

2018 "The possibilities of line", McKenzie Fine Art Gallery, New York City "These waters have stories to tell", Glynn Vivian Art Gallery "VIIVA / THE LINE", Lokal, Helsinki "Flat???", Kentler International Drawing Space
2017 “Bigger, Bolder, Better”, Chashama, 760 Vanderbuilt, Brooklyn, NY Kentler International Drawing Space
2016 “The Topography of Language: Re-Reading Drawing in the Twenty-First Century”, curated by Jayne Baum, JHB Gallery, PULSE Miami Beach Art Fair, FL “Language of Patterns”, curator Virginia Walch, Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY “Consul Art”, Maison de l’Artisanat et des Metres d’Art, Marseille, France (catalogue)
2015 “Drawers Draw”, curated by Alison Pierz, Galerie Protégé, New York “Drawn to Experience V2”, curated by Kellie O’Dempsey, POP Gallery, Queensland College of Art, Brisbane and School of Art Gallery, National University of Australia, Canberra Works on Paper, M Contemporary, Sydney, Australia “Line Describing a Cone”, curated by Eva Respini (MOMA), Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
2014 “Ellipse”, curated by Erin Lawlor and Katrin Bremerman, A3 Gallery, Moscow “Mein Lustgarten”, curated by Chen Yang, Wie Kultur, Berlin “Am Rand” (drawing and performance), Jää-äär, Berlin
2013 “Falls of Solitude” (installation), Manalo Projects, Berlin Tallinn Light Art Biennial (video installation), Architecture and Design Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia “A-Line-Ment”, Gallery66NY, Cold Spring, NY “The Silence of Forest Sounds”, with Tuuli Mann, Haus Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia Curatorial project by Inga Heamägi, Kaliningrad Graphic Art Biennial of the Baltic Sea Countries, Kaliningrad, Russia “Drawn to Experience” (drawing and video), curated by Kellie O’Dempsey, Queensland College of Art, Brisbane, Australia “In Our Backyard”, curated by Heige Kim, Roos Arts, Rosendale, NY “Elegy”, curated by Eleni Smolen, Theo Ganz Studio, Beacon, NY “Timelines”, curated by Karlyn Benson, Mattewan Gallery, Beacon, NY “Park: Toivo Raidmets ja Jaanika Peerna” (wall drawings), Architecture and Design Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2012 “A Question of Slow”, curated by Alison Pierz, Skylight Gallery, New York Estonian Curatorial Project, curator Inga Heamägi, Novosibirsk Graphic Art Triennial, Novosibirsk, Russia (catalogue, First Prize) “CUT #2”, curated by Gregory Kepinski, Museum of Imagination, Hudson, NY “Slow Art Room” (drawing and installation), Governor’s Island Art Fair, New York “Drawing – Freedom”, curated by Maria-Kristiina Ulas (performance), Gallery for Architecture and Design, Tallinn, Estonia “A Border, Path, Threshold”, curated by Margot Kask, Viinistu Art Museum Chapel, Estonia “Silent Revolution”, curated by Anu Juurak, Tallinn Art Hall, Estonia (catalogue) “Smoke Free Fall” @ project space, curated by Ginger Shulick, Fountain Art Fair, NYC “CUT”, curated by Gregory Kepinski, Museum of Imagination, Hudson, NY “Napp” (video, drawing), curated by Margot Kask, City Gallery, Pärnu, Estonia
2011 “Harilik/Ordinary: drawing practices III”, curated by Margot Kask, pART Gallery, Põltsamaa, Estonia “Liberte/Vabadus 2011”, curated by Kaia Kiik, Asnières Chateau, Paris, France “Summer Selections”, curated by Adrienne Conzelman, ARC Fine Art, Fairfield, CT “Selects”, Beacon Arts Shortwave Gallery, Stone Harbor, NJ “Lumen” video and performance festival, curated by Ginger Schulick, Staten Island waterfront, New York “Harilik/Ordinary: drawing practices II”, curated by Margot Kask, Y Gallery, Tartu, Estonia “International Paper Art Biennial”, curated by Thalia Vrachopoulos, City Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria “Harilik/Ordinary: drawing practices I”, curated by Margot Kask, Kunstihoone Galerii, Tallinn, Estonia
2010 “Light Art Biennial”, artP.kunstverein, Perchtoldsdorf and Lintz, Austria “Archipelago”, Dorsky Curatorial Projects, Brooklyn, NY “Roma Art Fair”, Metropolart; Marco Testaccio, Rome, Italy “Herning International Video festival”, Arhus, Denmark “Video Art Biennial”, curated by Mamia Breteche, Metropolart; Paris; Portfolio Gallery, Dubai “Annual Benefit Show”, Kentler International Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY
2009 “Unsettled Conditions”, curated by Karin Laansoo, Monospace, Brooklyn, NY “Plastic Waves”: collaborative installation: Susan English and Jaanika Peerna, Gillette Gallery, GAC, Garrison, NY “WET: videos on Water”, Maxwell Fine Arts, Peekskill, NY “Sublime”, Zero Filme, R. Sao Filipe Nery, nr 25B, Lisbon, Portugal “Slow News International”, curated by Peggy Cyphers / Broadthinking, The ARTS at Marks Garage, Honolulu, HI “Revisions” (drawings), Galerie Lavignes - Bastille, Paris, France “H20: Film on Water” (video); curated by Cynthia Reeves, Reeves Gallery in New York City “The Mill Art Space”, Newport, NH “FUTURE=FERTILE” (video); curated by Leo Kuelbs, LKC, New York “BROADTHINKING”, Bridge Art Fair, New York, NY (supported in part with funds from SOS program through NYFA and NYSCA administered by GAC) “Out of the Blue” (weather and creative process); curated by Amy Lipton, Joy Episalla and Joy Garnett; Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ “International Juried Exhibition”, Juror Adeline Vlas, Assistant Curator, Philadelphia Museum of Art, NJ Visual Art Center, Summit, NJ
2008 “The Works International Visual Arts Festival” (videos), curated by Shawn Pinchbeck, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada “NEW” (drawings), curated by Paul Kahn, Galerie Lavignes - Bastille, Paris, France (supported in part with funds from SOS program through NYFA and NYSCA administered by GAC) “National Juried Exhibition”, Juror: Ester Adler, curatorial assistant at Department of Drawings, Museum of Modern Art, NY, Phoenix Gallery, New York, NY “Regional Triennial “The Camera Always Lies,” curated by Beth Wilson, Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock, NY “What Happens Next?” Video shorts, curated by Bart Woodstrup, Time Space Limited, Hudson, NY “Fugue” (videos and drawings) curated


2008 “Art Out of Longing and Song,” 18 minutes, Directed by Jaanika Peerna, edited by Michael Enright
2008 “Drawing Revealed,” 35 minutes, Directed by Jaanika Peerna, produced by Susan English (supported in part with funds from SOS program through NYFA and NYSCA administered by GAC) Shown at the Rome International Film Festival
2006 “Art in Dialogue; Estonia - New York” 46 minutes Directed by Annette Solakoglu, co-produced by Jaanika Peerna. Shown at the Pärnu International Film Festival, Estonia


2016 FID Grand Prix 2016, international drawing award, president of the jury Brett Littmann, Drawing Center NYC
2015 Award for active cultural leadership, presented by the Council of Foreign Consulates of New York
2014 APT Fellowship for one month residency and exhibition at Scuola Di Grafica, Venice
2013 Third Prize, State Competition for public art at Viljandi Gümnaasium, Estonia
2012 Drawing Award, Tallinn International Drawing Triennial, Tallinn, Estonia
2012 Drawing Award, Novosibirsk Graphic Arts Triennial, Novosibirsk, Russia
2012 Cultural Endowment of Estonia [Kultuurkapital]
2010 Cultural Endowment of Estonia [Kultuurkapital]
2010 Special Opportunity Stipend, New York Foundation for the Arts
2009 Special Opportunity Stipend, New York Foundation for the Arts
2008 Third Prize, Paradox of Water exhibit at Westport Art Center, chosen by Mary Sabbatino of Galerie Lelong, New York and Paris
2008 Cultural Endowment of Estonia [Kultuurkapital]
2008 Special Opportunity Stipend, New York Foundation for the Arts
2008 Arts Link, Putnam Arts Fund, NY USA
2007 Special Opportunity Stipend, New York Foundation for the Arts
2005 Research and Creative Projects Award, SUNY New Paltz
2004 Research and Creative Projects Award, SUNY New Paltz

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