Greet Helsen at the Kunstverein Norden Gallery (Germany) - by IdeelArt
We are pleased to announce that Greet Helsen will be holding her fourth solo exhibition this year, "Klangfelder" ("Soundfields") at the KunstVerein Norden Gallery (North Germany). Greet Helsen is a Belgian artist who is inspired by nature, drawing abstract landscapes and using acrylic like watercolour. She lives and works in Switzerland.
Greet Helsen at the Kunstverein Norden gallery Germany
From the 28th of June until the 2nd of August, the gallery will display a large selection of work by the artist, mostly recent.
Kunstverein Norden is an artistic and non-profit association created 33 years ago with the mission to help the North German public to discover contemporary and modern artists.