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Friday? ClaimFriday? Claim
Jill Moser
Friday? Claim
40.64 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 16.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£1,450.00
Jill Moser
76.2 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
Jill Moser
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£1,650.00
Jill Moser
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£1,650.00
Jill Moser
58.4 X 53.3 X 0.0 cm 23.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£1,450.00
Jill Moser
76.2 X 57.15 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.5 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
Jill Moser
57.15 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 22.5 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
Pink MamaPink Mama
Jill Moser
Pink Mama
78.74 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 31.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£2,300.00
Jill Moser
58.42 X 60.5 X 0.0 cm 23.0 X 23.8 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£2,200.00
Sixteen Street 7.15Sixteen Street 7.15
Jill Moser
Sixteen Street 7.15
76.2 X 57.15 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.5 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
1.20 (Ref 09)1.20 (Ref 09)
Jill Moser
1.20 (Ref 09)
76.2 X 57.15 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.5 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
4.29 154.29 15
Jill Moser
4.29 15
59.7 X 40.64 X 0.0 cm 23.5 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£2,750.00
Jill Moser
57.0 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 22.4 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
Jill Moser
76.2 X 57.0 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.4 X 0.0 inch Prezzo scontato£5,750.00
Randy? ReachRandy? Reach
Jill Moser
Randy? Reach
40.64 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 16.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Jill Moser
76.2 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Jill Moser
55.88 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Jill Moser
57.15 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 22.5 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch


Coastlines 3Coastlines 3
Jill Moser
Coastlines 3
72.3 X 100.3 X 0.0 cm 28.5 X 39.5 X 0.0 inch


7.5 157.5 15
Jill Moser
7.5 15
59.7 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 23.5 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Jill Moser
70.0 X 100.0 X 0.0 cm 27.6 X 39.4 X 0.0 inch


Jill Moser
57.15 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 22.5 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch


Blushing BlueBlushing Blue
Jill Moser
Blushing Blue
76.2 X 152.4 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 inch


Red Stills 2Red Stills 2
Jill Moser
Red Stills 2
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch


Jill Moser è un'artista astratta americana il cui lavoro esplora l'intersezione tra "pittura, scrittura e immagine animata." Vive e lavora a New York City.


Formazione scolastica

Moser ha conseguito la laurea B.A. presso la Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, nel 1978, e il suo M.F.A. presso la Hunter College, New York, nel 1981. Ha ricevuto una borsa di studio per la pittura dalla New York Foundation for the Arts e una Max Beckmann Scholarship in Painting dal Brooklyn Museum. Ha insegnato alla Princeton, alla Virginia Commonwealth University e in diverse altre istituzioni prestigiose.

Opere d'arte di Jill Moser


Moser ha una pratica interdisciplinare che include pittura, incisione, disegno e collage. La sua incisione comprende una vasta gamma di tecniche, come litografia, incisione, monotipo, intaglio e serigrafia. Il suo lavoro può essere compreso in relazione alla storia del linguaggio scritto—segni che portano significato. I suoi segni di pennello sono lirici, gestuali e calligrafici. Le linee e le forme all'inizio appaiono spontanee, ma si evolvono attraverso un processo metodico e indicale. Moser costruisce le sue composizioni in termini di figure su uno sfondo. Le superfici sono stratificate e testurizzate, creando una sensazione che le linee, i segni e le figure siano sospesi in uno spazio dimensionale. Colore e tono aggiungono peso emotivo e visivo all'opera, creando immagini che sono allo stesso tempo auto-referenziali, rivelatrici del processo della loro creazione e aperte all'interpretazione degli spettatori.


Moser è ispirata dalle lingue, siano esse scritte, visive, indicizzate o gestuali. Cerca un equilibrio simile a quello ricercato da un poeta—tra il trasmettere abbastanza significato affinché lo spettatore abbia un'esperienza rivelatrice guidata, e il lasciare abbastanza spazio per la sorpresa durante la creazione e la presentazione dell'opera affinché possano emergere ulteriori strati di significato. Trova anche ispirazione in cose come il linguaggio del cinema, la storia della simbologia e il processo collaborativo, invitando scrittori a contribuire testi che Moser poi interpreta in composizioni visive astratte.

Opere d'arte di Jill Moser
Opere d'arte di Jill Moser

Citazioni rilevanti

Nell'articolo su Moser su, Fintan Boyle e Jennie Nichols hanno scritto: “il segno, la parola, l'enunciazione, il colpo, il marchio non come trasparenti, ma come luoghi di possibilità contestate intrisi di strati infiniti di connotazione. È questo particolare filtraggio del linguaggio e della creazione di segni che ha plasmato il lavoro iniziale di Moser. E il linguaggio, come scrittura, come icona grafica, come portatore di significato, come un insieme di convenzioni a bocca sciolta che tutti condividiamo e scambiamo è sempre stato, e continua a essere, un modello nel lavoro di Moser.


Moser ha esposto ampiamente in tutto il mondo, incluso al Smithsonian American Art Museum e al Museum of Fine Arts di Houston.


Il suo lavoro è nelle collezioni del Museum of Modern Art di New York, dell'Art Institute of Chicago, della National Gallery of Art, del Metropolitan Museum of Art, del Seattle Art Museum e di molti altri.


Lennon, Weinberg, Inc, New York City
Heather Gaudio Fine Art, CT
Reynolds Gallery, VA
Dubner Moderne, Losanna, Svizzera


1981 M.F.A. Hunter College, New York, NY
1978 B.A. Brown University, Providence, RI

Solo Exhibitions

2018 Syntax: Drawings 1993-1995, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2017 play replay, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2016 Paintings and Prints, Heather Gaudio, New Canaan, CT
2016 Hold to Drift, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, VA
2015 A Decade of Painting, Bentley Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
2014 New Paintings and Works on Paper, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2014 A Suite of Sixteen Street Drawings, The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, NY
2012 New Paintings, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2011 New Paintings, James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2011 Conversation, Heriard-Cimino Gallery, New Orleans, LA
2011 Stills, Dubner Moderne, Lausanne, Switzerland
2010 Editions, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, TX
2010 New Paintings and Prints, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2009 Sixteen Street, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, TX
2007 New Paintings, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2007 New Work, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, TX
2006 Naming Game, Bentley Projects, Phoenix, AZ
2006 Naming Game, Fine Arts Galleries, URI, Kingston, RI
2005 New Drawings, Studio Caparrelli, London, UK
2005 Naming Game, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, VA
2005 Naming Game, Westby Gallery, Rowan University, NJ
2004 Parings, osp gallery, Boston, MA
2003 Naming Game, Kiang Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2001 New Work, Kiang Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2000 Works on Paper, Kate Ganz Gallery, New York, NY
1999 Recent Work, Jan Maiden Fine Arts, Columbus, OH
1999 Topographies, Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, Lima, Peru
1998 Topographies: Paintings, Danese Gallery, New York, NY
1996 North Fork Drawings, Wynn Kramarsky, New York, NY
1994 Paintings & Drawings, Black + Greenberg Gallery, New York, NY
1987 Drawings, Damon Brandt Gallery, New York, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions

2018 18-38, Heather Gaudio Fine Arts, New Canaan, CT
2017 Exposicao Arte Collaborativa, Galeria Via Thorey, Vitoria, Brazil
2017 Citings/Sightings, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2016 A Big Enough Umbrella, Planthouse, New York, NY
2016 The Last Picture Show, James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2015 Marks Made: Prints by American Women Artists from the 1960s to the Present, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL
2015 Salon du Dessin, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2015 Line: Making the Mark, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, TX
2014 Pouring It On, Herter Art Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
2013 Playing with Process: Explorations in Experimental Printmaking, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, TX
2013 How You Gonna Get Back to Jersey, Planthouse, New York, NY
2013 Neo Chroma, Bentley Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
2011 Au Plaisir du Livre, Librairie Auguste Blaizot, Paris, France
2011 Extravagant Drawing, Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, NY
2011 Fresh Paint, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, VA
2010 Between Picture and Viewer: The Image in Contemporary Painting, Curated by Tom Huhn Isabel Taube, Visual Arts Gallery at the School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2010 Ends and Means, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2010 The White Album, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, TX
2010 Graphic Masters III: Highlights from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
2010 See Through, Islip Art Museum, Islip, NY
2009 Before Again, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2009 Drawing Itself, Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, Brattleboro, VT
2009 On, Of or About: 50 paper works, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
2009 New Prints 2009/Spring, International Print Center NY, New York, NY
2009 Beneath the Seen, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, TX
2009 Jill Moser/Lucinda Cobley, El Centro College, Dallas, TX
2008 Flow Chart, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2007 The Unseen, Lee Gallery, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
2007 New Prints 2007/Spring, International Print Center NY, New York, NY
2007 Small is Beautiful, Flowers, New York, NY
2006 Action Precision, Lennon Weinberg Inc., New York, NY
2006 Au Courant, Bentley Projects, Phoenix, AZ
2006 Getting it ‘right’, osp gallery, Boston, MA
2006 Opening Group Show, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, TX
2005 New Prints 2005/Winter, International Print Center NY, New York, NY
2004 Masters of the Obvious, Hampden Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
2004 From Abstraction to Minimalism: Selections, Bradbury Gallery, Fowler Center, Arkansas State University, Fayetteville, AK
2003 Supercool, Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York, NY
2003 Recent Acquisitions: Works on Paper, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
2003 Define Line, Metaphor Contemporary Arts, Brooklyn, NY
2003 Line Dancing, Islip Museum of Art, Islip, NY
2002 Drawn From A Family: Contemporary Works on Paper, Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, ME
2001 Painting Abstraction II, New York Studio School, New York, NY
2001 Lines, Kiang Gallery, Atlanta, GA
2000 New York-Classicism-Now, Hirschl & Adler Gallery, New York, NY
2000 Snapshot, Baltimore Museum of Contemporary Art, Baltimore, MD
1997 After The Fall: Aspects of Abstract Painting Since 1970, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, NY
1997 Drawing From Life, Stark Gallery, New York, NY
1996 Figuration Forward: Jill Moser/Catherine Lee, Fine Arts Gallery, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
1995 Drawings from the Agnes Gund Collection, The Century Association, New York, NY
1994 Group Show, John McEnroe Gallery, New York, NY
1994 Matter Matters, Proctor Art Center, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
1993 Black & White Drawings, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1993 The Return of the Cadavre Exquis, The Drawing Center, New York, NY
1992 Slow Art: Painting in New York Now, PS 1, Long Island City, NY
1992 Persistence of Painting, Kohn Pederson Fox, New York, NY
1991 Recent Acquisitions, National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C.
1989 American Art Since WW II: Prints & Drawings, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
1987 Recent Acquisitions: Drawings, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
1987 Art on Paper, The Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, NC
1986 Group Show, Foxley Leach Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1986 Art/Work, Bond Gallery, New York, NY
1985 Group Exhibition, Damon Brandt Gallery, New York, NY
1984 Selections 25, The Drawing Center, New York, NY
1983 The Black & White Show, Kenkeleba Gallery, New York, NY

Selected Bibliography

Boyle, Fintan and Nichols, Jennie. “Studio Visit: Jill Moser,”, March 2018
Carey, Brainard. “Jill Moser Interview,” Yale Radio,, May 2017
Adams Weinberg, Jill. “Play, Replay,” Exhibition Brochure, 2017
Major Jackson and Jill Moser. “Urban Renewal: A Painter and a Poet Collaborate,” The Southampton Review, Volume X, No. 2, (pages 42-49) Summer/Fall 2016
Hirsch, Faye. “A Seemingly Effortless Gesture is Choreographed into an Emptied Field,” Art in Print, Volume 5, Number 6, 2016
Marks Made: Prints by American Women Artists from the 1960s to the Present, catalog of the exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL

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