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Janise Intema


Ambient GreyAmbient Grey
Janise Yntema
Ambient Grey
81.0 X 81.0 X 0.0 cm 31.9 X 31.9 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£5,000.00
Janise Yntema
120.0 X 105.0 X 0.0 cm 47.2 X 41.3 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£7,750.00
Blue On BlueBlue On Blue
Janise Yntema
Blue On Blue
41.0 X 51.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 20.1 X 1.6 inch Salgspris£1,250.00
Celedon MistCeledon Mist
Janise Yntema
Celedon Mist
41.0 X 51.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 20.1 X 1.6 inch Salgspris£1,250.00
Chartreuse Over CereleanChartreuse Over Cerelean
Janise Yntema
Chartreuse Over Cerelean
41.0 X 51.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 20.1 X 1.6 inch Salgspris£1,250.00
Janise Yntema
30.0 X 52.0 X 3.0 cm 11.8 X 20.5 X 1.2 inch Salgspris£2,000.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Indigo On GreyIndigo On Grey
Janise Yntema
Indigo On Grey
41.0 X 51.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 20.1 X 1.6 inch Salgspris£1,250.00
Indigo VibrationIndigo Vibration
Janise Yntema
Indigo Vibration
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
La Pr?de NuitLa Pr?de Nuit
Janise Yntema
La Pr?de Nuit
96.0 X 120.0 X 0.0 cm 37.8 X 47.2 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£7,500.00
Linear FervorLinear Fervor
Janise Yntema
Linear Fervor
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Linear HushLinear Hush
Janise Yntema
Linear Hush
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Linear MossLinear Moss
Janise Yntema
Linear Moss
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Linear MotilityLinear Motility
Janise Yntema
Linear Motility
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Linear OrangeLinear Orange
Janise Yntema
Linear Orange
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Linear StillLinear Still
Janise Yntema
Linear Still
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Linear ZestLinear Zest
Janise Yntema
Linear Zest
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Janise Yntema
100.0 X 145.0 X 3.0 cm 39.4 X 57.1 X 1.2 inch Salgspris£8,500.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Obsidian BlueObsidian Blue
Janise Yntema
Obsidian Blue
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Prussian BluePrussian Blue
Janise Yntema
Prussian Blue
41.0 X 51.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 20.1 X 1.6 inch Salgspris£1,250.00
Reflective VibrationReflective Vibration
Janise Yntema
Reflective Vibration
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£1,900.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
The Whisper of SolitudeThe Whisper of Solitude
Janise Yntema
The Whisper of Solitude
100.0 X 145.0 X 0.0 cm 39.4 X 57.1 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£8,500.00
Turning The WheelTurning The Wheel
Janise Yntema
Turning The Wheel
122.0 X 194.0 X 3.0 cm 48.0 X 76.4 X 1.2 inch Salgspris£13,250.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch Salgspris£4,850.00
Janise Yntema
100.0 X 145.0 X 3.0 cm 39.4 X 57.1 X 1.2 inch


Janise Yntema
60.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 cm 23.6 X 23.6 X 0.0 inch


Cadmium RedCadmium Red
Janise Yntema
Cadmium Red
41.0 X 51.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 20.1 X 1.6 inch


Clair de LuneClair de Lune
Janise Yntema
Clair de Lune
100.0 X 141.0 X 0.0 cm 39.4 X 55.5 X 0.0 inch


Janise Yntema
120.0 X 105.0 X 3.0 cm 47.2 X 41.3 X 1.2 inch


Egyptian VioletEgyptian Violet
Janise Yntema
Egyptian Violet
41.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 16.1 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch


Lemon YellowLemon Yellow
Janise Yntema
Lemon Yellow
41.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 16.1 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch


Linear JauneLinear Jaune
Janise Yntema
Linear Jaune
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch


Linear VibrationLinear Vibration
Janise Yntema
Linear Vibration
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch


Rose MadderRose Madder
Janise Yntema
Rose Madder
41.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 16.1 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch


Sunshine On LightSunshine On Light
Janise Yntema
Sunshine On Light
40.0 X 61.0 X 3.0 cm 15.7 X 24.0 X 1.2 inch


Janise Yntema
41.0 X 61.0 X 4.0 cm 16.1 X 24.0 X 1.6 inch


Vibration In BlueVibration In Blue
Janise Yntema
Vibration In Blue
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.1 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch


Janise Yntema er en amerikansk abstrakt maler, der i øjeblikket bor og arbejder i Bruxelles, Belgien. Hun arbejder med den gamle teknik encaustic voks, en kombination af bivoks, harpiks og pigmenter, hvor varme fungerer som det aktive opløsningsmiddel.


Efter at have studeret ved Art Students League i New York, opnåede Yntema sin Bachelor of Fine Arts-grad fra Parsons School of Design/The New York School i New York City i 1984.


Yntema anvender naturlig bivoks og harpiks på træpaneler, og bruger en gasbrænder til sømløst at blande sine penselstræk. Med tæt opmærksomhed på processen skaber hun billeder gennem langsomme og bevidste ophobninger af semi-gennemsigtige farvelag. Lys trænger ind i disse lag og bliver kompositorisk til stede. Varme fortynde, blander og binder usynligt hvert lag til en translucens lys tone. Anvendelsen og fjernelsen af materiale, i en additiv/reduktiv proces, tillader uventede øjeblikke at dukke op i en alkymistisk dans mellem det styrede og det ukontrollerede. Der er en sublim kvalitet i hendes arbejde, da hun skaber et miljø af diffust lys, der forbliver minimalt og abstrakt.


Yntemas visuelle sprog er inspireret af, hvordan lys, opfattet gennem pigment, skaber rum, kombineret med hvordan opfattelser af tid kan bevares gennem farve. Hendes arbejde refererer til postmodern tonalism og stiller spørgsmål ved grænsen mellem figuration og abstraktion, hvilket antyder en følelse af sted. Hendes malerier undersøger den større virkelighed af natur og liv i kontrast til det, der opfattes som virkeligt i forhold til det ideelle.

Kunstnerens erklæring

Mine værker udforsker opfattelsen af lys, som det afsløres gennem nuancer af farve, og skaber et rum mellem det naturlige og det ideelle. Et miljø af diffust lys skabes, som forbliver minimalt og abstrakt. Jeg betragter mit emne som lys, og landskabet som dets budbringer, med skiftende overgange i farve, der fanger reflekterede minder om små øjeblikke i tid.


Hendes arbejde er inkluderet i adskillige offentlige og private samlinger, herunder dem fra Philips Corporation, Art Institute of Chicago, Metropolitan Museum of Art i New York og Stedelijk Museum i Amsterdam.


Yntemas omfattende udstillingshistorik inkluderer solo- og gruppeudstillinger i London, New York City, Bruxelles og Amsterdam. Nylige soloudstillinger inkluderer Le Paysage Tranquille på Galerie Marie Demange, Bruxelles, i 2016, og The Quiet Landscape på Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK, i 2015.


Cadogan Contemporary, London
Galleri Josine Bokhoven, Amsterdam
A.I.R. Galleri, Brooklyn
Elizabeth Dow Ltd., East Hampton, NY
Galleri Marie Demange, Bruxelles


1984 Parson’s School of Design/The New School, New York City, BFA
1979 Art Students League, New York City

Solo Exhibitions

2019 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK, "Sense of Place"
2016 Galerie Marie Demange, Bruxelles, "Le Paysage Tranquille"
2015 Kean University, Nancy Dryfoos Gallery, Union, NJ, "The Temperature of Light"
2015 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK, "The Quiet Landscape"
2014 Libre Choix, Bruxelles, Gothic Light
2009 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK, "Still"
1997 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1996 Watchung Arts Center, Watchung, NJ, Award Show
1995 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1995 Montclair State University Art Gallery, Montclair, NJ
1994 Hoboken Gallery, Hoboken, NJ
1993 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

2 & 3 Person Exhibitions

2012 Galerie Josine Bokhoven, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2 person
2003 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK, 2 person
1998 Soho 20, New York, NY, 3 person
1998 Watchung Arts Center, Watchung, NJ, 3 person
1994 William Carlos Williams Center for the Arts, Rutherford, NJ, 3 Person
1993 Tribeca 148 Gallery, New York, NY, 3 person

Selected Group Exhibitions

2018 A & A Galerie, Hasselt, Belgium, "She Sea See"
2018 Adam Peck Gallery, Provincetown, MA, "The Blues"
2018 A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas, "Photosynthesis"
2018 BOZAR Centre d'Art, Bruxelles, "Truc Troc"
2018 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK

2017 Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA, "Depth Perception" curated by Joanne Mattera & Cherrie Mittenthal
2017 Atlantic Gallery, New York, NY, "Hopeful Darkness"
2017 Julie Heller Gallery, Provincetown, MA, "Photosynthesis"
2017 Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown, MA, "Alternative Wax"
2017 Conrad Wilde Gallery, Tucson, Arizona, "12th Annual Encaustic Invitational"
2017 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK

2016 Elizabeth Dow, East Hampton, NY, "Skimming the Surface"
2015 Carte de Visite ARTopenKUNST, Bruxelles
2014 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2014 Galerie Judy Straten, Horst, The Netherlands, "Personal Choice"
2014 A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2013 A&A Galerie, Hasselt, Belgium
2013 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2013 A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2012 School Voor Filosophie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2012 A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2011 Galerie Josine Bokhoven, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2011 A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2010 Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY, "Fahrenheit 180"
2010 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK

2009 A.I.R. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

2008 Minus Space, Brooklyn NY
2008 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2008 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
2008 New York University Fales Library, New York, NY

2007 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2007 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

2005 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2005 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

2004 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK

2003 A&A Galerie, Hasselt, Belgium
2003 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK

2002 C-B-Galerie, Cologne, Germany
2002 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2002 Century Gallery, London, UK

2001 Cadogan Contemporary, London, UK
2001 Stephen Lacey Gallery, London, UK
2001 Mafuji Gallery, London, UK
2001 Century Gallery, London, UK
2001 ACAVA Open Studio, London, UK
2001 D.U.M.B.O. Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY

2000 Mafuji Gallery, London, UK
2000 Century Gallery, London, UK
2000 Christine Van Stralen Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000 ACAVA Open Studio, London, UK
2000 D.U.M.B.O. Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY

1999 Simon Gallery, Morristown, NJ
1999 Soho 20, New York, NY
1999 D.U.M.B.O. Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY

1998 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1998 Smithsonian Institute’s Archive of American Art, New York, NY
1998 Canessa Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1998 GAle GAtes et al., Brooklyn, NY
1998 Simon Gallery, Morristown, NJ
1998 Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, NY

1997 Printed Matter, New York, NY
1997 Simon Gallery, Morristown, NJ
1997 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY

1996 Ceres Gallery, New York, NY, Invitational Exhibition
1996 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1996 The Arsenal Gallery, Central Park, New York, NY

1995 Artists Space, New York, NY
1995 City Without Walls Gallery, Newark, NJ
1995 The Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ, Invitational
1995 Seton Hall University, Newark, NJ
1995 Bloomfield College, Sibert & Knox Halls, Bloomfield, NJ
1995 Monmouth Museum, Brookdale College, Lincroft, NJ
1995 William Carlos Williams Center, Rutherford, NJ

1994 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1994 City Without Walls Gallery, Newark, NJ, Juried Exhibition
1994 Aljira Center for Contemporary Art, Newark, NJ
1994 Brook Alexander Gallery, New York, NY

1993 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1993 William Carlos Williams Center for the Arts, Rutherford, NJ, Juried Exhibition
1993 Women’s Caucus for Art National Juried Exhibition, Portland, OR

1992 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1992 City Without Walls Gallery, Newark, NJ
1992 Tribeca 148 Gallery, New York, NY
1992 Raritan Valley College Art Gallery, North Branch, NJ, Invitational Exhibition
1992 Ceres Gallery, New York, NY
1992 Huntington College Art Gallery, Montgomery, ALA

1991 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY
1991 Raritan Valley College Art Gallery, North Branch, NJ
1991 Organization of Independent Artists, New York, NY

1990 City Without Walls Gallery, Newark, NJ
1990 Newark Public Library, Newark, NJ
1990 The Cathedral Arts Center, Jersey City, NJ, Invitational Show

1989 City Without Walls Gallery, Newark, NJ

Public Collections

Philips Corporation, Eindhoven
School voor Filosophie, Amsterdam
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam

Gutenberg Museum, Mainz

Leigh Day & Co., London

Amherst College, Amherst, MA
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY
Carnegie Institute Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, OH
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, Norman, OK
Hoggard Wagner Art Collection, New York, NY
Kean University, Union, NJ
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York, NY
Milwaukee Arts Museum, Milwaukee, WI
National Museum for American Art, Washington, D.C.
National Museum for Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.
New York University Fales Library, New York, NY
Provincetown Art Museum, Provincetown, MA
Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT


2018 "The Environmental Politics of Wax and the Future of Encaustic," 12th International Encaustic Conference, Provincetown MA
2017 "The Politics Behind the Bees," 11th International Encaustic Conference, Provincetown MA
1996 "An Introduction to the Work of Janise Yntema," Westfield Art Association, Westfield, NJ
1993 "The Work of Janise Yntema," Whitney Museum Studio Tour Program
1992 "Discarded/Recycled," Women’s Caucus for Arts National Conference, Chicago IL

Selected Catalogues & Press

2017 Depth Perception, The Cape Cod Museum, Dennis MA
2017 Photosynthesis, Julie Heller Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2017 capenews.net, "Encaustic Painting on Exhibit," May 5
2017 Artscope Magazine, "Photosynthesis: A Synergistic Blend in Ptown" by Laura Shabott, May 2
2017 Canvas Saatchi Art Blog, "Six Saatchi Artists from Belgium" by Daryl Gammon-Jones, April 19

2016 Cadogan Paintings and Property, "Janise Yntema @ Echlin Design"

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