1984 Bachelor of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Solo Exhibitions
2015 ELIZABETH HARRIS Gallery New York , NY
2010 ELIZABETH HARRIS Gallery New York , NY
1999 CLEMENTINE Gallery New York, NY
1992 ARENA New York, NY
1986 Galleria STUDIO E Rome, Italy
Group Exhibitions
2018 "The possibilities of line", McKenzie Fine Art, New York City
2017 "Truth" BRIC contemporary, Brooklyn NY
2017 "Deck the walls" curated by Dee Shapiro, National Arts Club, NY
2017 New gallery New work. summer group show Elizabeth Harris NY
2016 Small works Biennial. curated by Don Nice. Garrison Art Center Garrison, NY
2016 Holly Miller & Gregory Montreuil "Dynamic Force / True Colors" Galerie du Tableau Marseille, France
2015 "Keep Out" Lesley Heller Workspace New York NY
2014 "Material way" curated by Kathleen Kucka, Sh irley Fiterman Art Center at BMCC New York NY
2014 "Color as structure" , McKenzie Fine Art New York NY
2013 "Holiday delights" Elizabeth Harris New York NY
2011 "Group Show" Muriel Guepin Gallery New York NY
2010 "Monumental/ Piccolin i" curated by Jenni fer Riley, Allegra LaViola Gallery, New York, NY
2010 "A Better Tomorrow" Galleria Stefania Miscetti, Rome, Italy
2009 "By a thread" Elizabeth Harris Gallery, New York, NY
2008 "Linear manifestations" Jeannie Freilich Fine Art, New York, NY
2004 "Trace Elements" curated by Kristen Frederickson KRISTEN FREDERICKSON GALLERY, New York, NY (catalog)
2004 "Polytechnicolor" MICHAEL STEINBERG FINE ART New York, NY
2003 "The Summer of Lust" GEOFFREY YOU NG GALLERY, Great Barrington, MA
2003 "Subtle" curated by Leslie H e ller THE WORKSPACE New York
2003 "Finely Drawn" WEATHERSPOON ART GALLERY, Greensboro, NC
2000 "Miracle Whip" CLEMENTINE Gallery New York, NY
1998 "Loose Threads" curated by Lisa Corrin (Catalog) SERPENTINE Gallery London, UK
1998 "Work o n paper" NYLON Salon, L ondon, UK
1998 "PIEROGI 2000 NY:The Flat Files" THE KUNSTLERHAUS, Vienna, Austria
1997 "Current Undercurrent" BROOKLYN MUSEUM OF ART, Brooklyn, NY
1997 "Art on Paper" WEATHERSPOON ART GALLERY, Greensboro, NC (catalog)
1997 PIEROGI 2000 Flatfiles THE CORNER HOUSE, Man chester, UK
1997 "Drawer" GAS WORKS, London, UK
1997 "White Out" curated by Theresa Hackett, THE WORKSPACE, New York, NY (catalog)
1997 "Suture" curated by Annie Herron, THE ROTUNDA GALLERY, Brooklyn, NY
1997 "Night of 1000 drawings" ARTIST SPACE, New York, NY
1997 "Artist of the week" PIEROGI 2000, Brooklyn, NY
1994 "Modus Operandi" curated by Natalie Rivera, LEONORA VEGA GALLERY, New York, NY
1993 "Works on paper" ARENA, Brooklyn, NY
1993 "Contemporary drawings Part II" ARENA, New York, NY
1993 "TennisportArt" curat ed by Christian Haub, L.I. City, NY
1992 "Christian Haub, Melissa Kretschmer, Holly Miller, Charles Spurrier" ARENA, New York, NY
1989 Salle Drouot - Montaigne (Catalog), Paris, France
1988 Galleria STUDIO E, Rome, Italy
1988 Broadway, Walker and White Gal lery, New York, NY
1987 Galleria STUDIO E, Rome, Italy
1987 SALA UNO, Rome, Italy
1986 Galleria STUDIO E, Rome, Italy
1986 "Capo D'Africa" Rome, Italy
1984 SVA Gallery New York,NY
1995 M/E/A/N/I/N/G #20, Contemporary Arts Issues
1995 M/E/A/N/I/N /G #16, Contemporary Arts Issues
1998 "LOOSE THREADS" Catalog, essay by Lisa Corrin
1999 "DICA 33" Poems by Antonella Villa , Art work by Holly Miller
1997 Barry Schwabsky, "Correct me if I'm wrong" - (C atalog Essay)
1997 Alessandro Cassin, "In bilico tra NY e Roma" - Oggi 7
1997 Frances Chapman - WaterfrontWeek - Volume 7.2
1997 Barry Schwabsky - REVIEW magazine
1998 E. Tage Larsen, "A questionable solidarity; Current Undercurrent: Brooklyn Museum of Art."
1998 Zingmagazine, Winter Issue
1998 Richard Cork. "S aying it with thread". The London Times
1998 Michael Archer. "Loose Threads". ART MONTHLY.
1999 Joe Leask, "Rummaging in the drawers at NYLON". Make 83 magazine
1999 Joyce Korotkin - NY ARTS. Vol.4 No.8
1999 Julie Caniglia - "Sidewalk New York" - Hot Pick.
2001 Ken Johnson, "Subtle" the New York Times
2007 "560 Broadway: A New York Drawing Collection at Work, 1991 - 2006 "
2007 Click and Frame" The New York Times Style Magazine, Holiday 2007
2014 Optical and tactile: Art ist Holly Miller - Interview - Nordstrom blog
2014 Artnews "Color as Structure" by Ann Landi
2014 The Broadsheet Daily "What's the matter with art?" by Caroline Press
Arkansas Arts Center
University of Kentucky Art Museum
Weatherspoon Art Museum