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Margaret Neill


Margaret Neill
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,300.00
Arietta 2Arietta 2
Margaret Neill
Arietta 2
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,600.00
Arietta 6Arietta 6
Margaret Neill
Arietta 6
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.1 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,600.00
Arietta series 1Arietta series 1
Margaret Neill
Arietta series 1
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,600.00
Margaret Neill
40.7 X 45.8 X 0.0 cm 16.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,050.00
Margaret Neill
74.93 X 106.68 X 0.0 cm 29.5 X 42.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,300.00
Dovetail 1Dovetail 1
Margaret Neill
Dovetail 1
127.0 X 96.5 X 0.0 cm 50.0 X 38.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,300.00
Dovetail 5Dovetail 5
Margaret Neill
Dovetail 5
127.0 X 96.5 X 0.0 cm 50.0 X 38.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,300.00
Dovetail small 2Dovetail small 2
Margaret Neill
Dovetail small 2
60.2 X 50.0 X 0.0 cm 23.7 X 19.7 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,750.00
Dovetail small 4Dovetail small 4
Margaret Neill
Dovetail small 4
60.2 X 50.0 X 0.0 cm 23.7 X 19.7 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,750.00
Dovetail small 6Dovetail small 6
Margaret Neill
Dovetail small 6
60.2 X 50.0 X 0.0 cm 23.7 X 19.7 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,750.00
Estuary 1Estuary 1
Margaret Neill
Estuary 1
46.0 X 46.0 X 0.0 cm 18.1 X 18.1 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,950.00
Intermezzo 4Intermezzo 4
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 4
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,500.00
Intermezzo 5Intermezzo 5
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 5
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,500.00
Intermezzo 6Intermezzo 6
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 6
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,500.00
Intermezzo 7Intermezzo 7
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 7
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,500.00
Manifest 1Manifest 1
Margaret Neill
Manifest 1
74.93 X 106.68 X 0.0 cm 29.5 X 42.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,950.00
Manifest 2Manifest 2
Margaret Neill
Manifest 2
53.34 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 21.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,950.00
Prospectus 1Prospectus 1
Margaret Neill
Prospectus 1
68.58 X 104.14 X 0.0 cm 27.0 X 41.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,950.00
Repertory 2Repertory 2
Margaret Neill
Repertory 2
55.9 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,700.00
Riprap 2Riprap 2
Margaret Neill
Riprap 2
127.0 X 96.5 X 0.0 cm 50.0 X 38.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,700.00
Spring BreezeSpring Breeze
Margaret Neill
Spring Breeze
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,400.00
Steamer series 1Steamer series 1
Margaret Neill
Steamer series 1
66.04 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,300.00
Margaret Neill
45.8 X 45.8 X 0.0 cm 18.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,450.00
Arietta 4Arietta 4
Margaret Neill
Arietta 4
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.1 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
45.7 X 61.0 X 3.2 cm 18.0 X 24.0 X 1.3 inch


Intermezzo 1Intermezzo 1
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 1
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch


Intermezzo 2Intermezzo 2
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 2
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch


Intermezzo 3Intermezzo 3
Margaret Neill
Intermezzo 3
55.88 X 53.34 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
63.5 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 25.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


Manifest 3Manifest 3
Margaret Neill
Manifest 3
63.5 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 25.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
127.0 X 96.52 X 0.0 cm 50.0 X 38.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
116.8 X 162.6 X 0.0 cm 46.0 X 64.0 X 0.0 inch


Receiver 1Receiver 1
Margaret Neill
Receiver 1
74.93 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 29.5 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Receiver 2Receiver 2
Margaret Neill
Receiver 2
74.93 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 29.5 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Receiver 3Receiver 3
Margaret Neill
Receiver 3
74.93 X 55.88 X 0.0 cm 29.5 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
132.08 X 96.52 X 0.0 cm 52.0 X 38.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
71.12 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 28.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill
66.04 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


Steamer series 2Steamer series 2
Margaret Neill
Steamer series 2
66.04 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


Tempo 1Tempo 1
Margaret Neill
Tempo 1
56.0 X 56.0 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Tempo 2Tempo 2
Margaret Neill
Tempo 2
56.0 X 56.0 X 0.0 cm 22.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Margaret Neill es una artista abstracta estadounidense de Ohio, que utiliza una variedad de medios para crear imágenes líricas y gestuales informadas por curvas y formas no representacionales. Ella vive y trabaja en Brooklyn, NY.


Neill obtuvo su Licenciatura en Artes en Hiram College en Hiram, OH, en 1978. Luego obtuvo su Maestría en Bellas Artes en Pintura en Brooklyn College en Nueva York en 1984.


Neill crea obras en lienzo, lino y papel utilizando una variedad de medios, incluyendo grafito, lápiz de color, carbón y pintura. Su proceso implica una marcación intuitiva de la superficie que resulta en líneas continuas entrelazadas y formaciones geométricas onduladas.
La obra hace referencia a muchas de las cualidades de la Abstracción Lírica. Su proceso es instintivo y no representacional. La obra trasciende la interpretación objetiva, invitando en cambio al espectador a participar a través de la obra en una exploración de la relación de la artista con el tiempo y el espacio. Como interacciones gestuales con momentos en un lugar particular, las obras de Neill sirven casi como recuerdos sustitutos, reliquias viscerales de un momento en el espacio y el tiempo.


Neill se inspira en las cualidades geométricas fluidas de la curva y la línea, en particular en cómo las cualidades naturales de la tierra y el cielo se entrelazan con elementos urbanos de objeto y arquitectura. Parcialmente informado por patrones observables encontrados tanto en fenómenos humanos como naturales, como edificios, mapas y patrones climáticos, la obra surge de un estado efímero e intuitivo, resultando en objetos e imágenes que transmiten una sensación de complejidad, serenidad y flujo.

Declaración del artista

"En mi trabajo circulo a través de un espacio que es intelectual y físico y se relaciona tanto con el mundo urbano como con el natural. En períodos de transformación rápida como el que vivimos hoy, estas obras buscan una forma de ser que sea tranquila, continua y viva."...

Mis pinturas surgen de un compromiso con mis materiales y no se preocupan ni por la narrativa ni por la imagen, sino que buscan describir un estado de ser. El color y la forma son los temas de mi trabajo reciente y se intercambian en el discurso y la fisicalidad del proceso de pintura. Me gusta jugar con ideas de velocidad, movimiento y escala. Busco explorar las propiedades transformacionales de fusionar los mundos físico y metafísico del tiempo y el espacio.

"He estado fascinado con el paisaje que pasa rápidamente mientras viajamos en un coche, autobús o tren. Y la forma en que varios modos de transporte nos hacen sentir como si estuviéramos ingrávidos por un tiempo, moviéndonos sin esfuerzo a través del espacio. No muy diferente a la manera en que un cormorán o una garza pueden moverse fácilmente tanto por el aire como por el agua. Pintar me permite evocar una experiencia que juega con estas ideas."


El trabajo de Neill está presente en varios museos, así como en diversas colecciones internacionales y corporativas, incluyendo la Biblioteca del Museo de Arte Moderno, Martin Brest, LA y el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU.


Neill ha exhibido sus pinturas y dibujos ampliamente en una serie de exposiciones individuales y colectivas en museos y galerías a nivel nacional.
El trabajo de Neill ha sido ampliamente publicado, y ha sido presentada en blogs, programas de televisión, programas de radio y ha sido ampliamente escrita sobre en la prensa.


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1984 MFA in Painting, Brooklyn College, NY
1978 BA, Hiram College, OH

One/Two Person Exhibitions

2017 Transcription, One Person Show, Pacific Design Center, LA (thru 3/18)
2014 Undulation, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, NY (Two Person)
2014 New Work by Gallery Artists, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, NY (Four Person)
2014 Walk the Line, M & E Gallery, NYC (Four Person)
2013 Aligned, DM Contemporary, NYC (Four Person)
2013 Drawn to Beauty, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, NY (Four Person)
2009 Renewable Flow, Charcoal Drawings, Pelavin Projects, NY (One Person)
2008 Gelbke Fine Arts Center, Hiram College, OH (One Person)
2008 Simon Gallery, Morristown, NJ (One Person)
2007 Circuit, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Art, NY (One Person)
2005 Metaphor Contemporary Art, Brooklyn, NY (One Person)
2003 Metaphor Contemporary Art, Brooklyn, NY (One Person)
2001 Taking Notes, Installation, Drawing, Video, and Talk, Brooklyn Public Library, NY (One Person)
2000 Works on Paper, Frohring Art Center, Hiram College, OH (One Person)
1997 Paintings From Brooklyn, 350 Third Ave., NY (One Person)
1994 Fixed in Time, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY (One Person)
1992 Kent State University, Trumbull Branch, OH (One Person)
1984 Frohring Art Center, Hiram College, OH (One Person)

Selected Group Exhibitions

2018 Women’s History Month Invitational, VanDeb Editions, curated by Julie Gross (Six Person)
2017 The Summer Show, DM Contemporary, NY
2016 Pigment and Paper, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, NY
2016 Big Small Show, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ
2016 Art du Jour, 490 Atlantic, NY
2015 Season X, OSilas Gallery, Concordia College
2015 25th Anniversary Show, Kentler International Drawing Space
2015 Kenise Barnes Fine Art, Backroom
2014 New Work by Gallery Artists, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, NY
2014 American Abstract Artists, Side Show Gallery, Brooklyn
2014 Painting Center, 21st Anniversary Show
2013 Summer Show, DM Contemporary, NYC
2013 San Francisco Fine Art Fair, K. Imperial Fine Art, CA
2013 Lois Dodd: My Students, The Firehouse Center, Damariscotta, ME
2013 Drawing the Mind, Concordia College, Wall Drawing, NY
2013 Icing on the Cake, Kenise Barnes Fine Art, NY
2011 Wall Drawing, “A Field Guide to Getting Lost,” Masters & Pelavin, NY
2011 Black & White: Extreme Value, NYIT Gallery 61, NY
2011 Drawing and Cognition, Wall Drawing: DRIVER, Columbia University, Macy Gallery
2010 United States Arts in Embassies Program, Republic of Panama, US Dept. of State
2010 Small Works Invitational, The Painting Center, NY
2010 Twelve Rooms with a View, Nu Hotel, Pelavin Fine Art, NY
2010 Black and White, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2010 Prints and Drawings, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Art, NY
2009 Partners in Life and Art, Brooklyn Public Library, NY
2009 Staying Alive, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2009 Sharazade, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2008 No Chromophobia, OK Harris, NY
2008 Friends, Invitational, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Art, NY
2008 Color Key, Painting Center, Patrick Webb, curator, NY
2008 Eye for the Here and Now, Colby College Museum of Art, ME
2008 Peace, Sideshow Gallery, NY
2008 Spectrum, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY (Panelist)
2007 Punch Bowl, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2007 Pelavin Editions, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Art, NY
2007 25th Anniversary Show, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Art, NY
2007 Pink, Soho Myriad, Atlanta, GA
2006 Mischief, Metaphor Contemporary Art, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Library Show; Travel Show, Proteus Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY
2006 War Is Over, Side Show Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Anniversary Show, Invitational, Painting Center, NY
2005 Brooklyn College 75th Anniversary Exhibit, Brooklyn, NY
2005 Scope Hamptons, Metaphor Contemporary Art, East Hampton, NY
2005 Soho Myriad, Three-Person Show, Atlanta, GA
2005 Metaphor Contemporary Art, The Road So Far, Brooklyn, NY
2004 New Prints 2004/Spring, International Print Center NY, Barry Walker, curator
2004 Abstract Identity, Pelham Art Center, NY (Panelist)
2004 Where the Island Begins, Hofstra Museum, Hofstra University, NY (Catalog)
2004 The Baltimore Fair of Contemporary Prints, Baltimore Museum of Art, MD
2004 Contemporary Art Fair, Pier 92, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Arts, NY
2004 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Benefit Show, World Financial Center, NY
2004 Print National, Lancaster Museum of Art, PA, Mark Pascal, Juror
2004 Nature Abstracted, Painting Center, NY, Emily Berger, curator
2003 Clean Slate, Prater Rouse Gallery, Norfolk, VA
2003 Affordable Art Fair, Pier 92, Cheryl Pelavin Fine Arts, NY
2002 Representing Nature, Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, IL
2002 Affordable Art Fair, Pier 92, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2002 Contemporary Works on Paper, Colby College Museum of Art, ME (Catalog)
2002 Touch, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2002 Paper, Metaphor Contemporary Art, NY
2002 4Sight, From Realism to Abstraction, Kentler International Drawing Space, NY
2002 Collage, Frohring Art Center, Hiram College, OH
2001 Daily Drawings, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2001 The Codes and the Signs, Monastery Plazy, Czech Republic
2000 Brooklyn on the Block, Curated by David Konigsberg, RI
2000 Red Hook 8, Curated by Florence Neal and Sonny Balzano, Kentler Gallery, NY
1999 Leroy Neiman Center for Print Studies, Columbia University, NY
1999 Brooklyn Impressions, Small Press Print Studios, Brooklyn, NY
1998 Works on Paper, John Ittmann, Juror, Perkins Center for the Arts, NJ
1996 3 Artists From Brooklyn, Studio 600-Hermit, Praha, Czech Republic
1996 Small Works Exhibition, Alan Hacklin, Juror, Schoharie County Arts Council, NY
1996 About Time, Works on Paper, Kent State University, OH
1996 Connections, Exhibition of Prints, Kendal at Oberlin Gallery, OH
1995 Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Works on Consignment, OH
1995 Page-22, Artists Books, 540 Broadway Gallery, NY
1993 To Be, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
1986 Hiram College Alumni Invitational, Catalog, OH
1985 Invitational, Hunterdon Art Center, Sinikka Lane, Curator, NJ
1985 Small Works, Washington Sq. East Galleries, Allen Stone, Juror, NY
1985 4th Annual Miniature Competition, Dore Ashton, Juror, BACA, NY
1984 Paintings and Pastels, Thirty-First Annual Juried Exhibition, Hunterdon Art Center, NJ

Selected Collections

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
Art in Embassies Collection, Dept. of State, Washington, DC
Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art
The Museum of Modern Art, Library, NY, NY
The Brooklyn Museum of Art, Library, Brooklyn, NY
The New School University, NY, NY
Hiram College, Hiram, OH
Colby College Museum of Art, ME
Lowes Corp, Philadelphia, PA
Sofitel, Philadelphia, PA
Wilmor Hale Law Firm, Boston, MA
Pfizer Corporation, NY
Robeco Investment Management, Boston, MA
100 Barclay, NY, NY
Memorial Sloan Kettering, Josie Robertson Surgery Center
Alan Chassanoff Collection
Wellington Management, Boston, MA
Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Ernst & Young, NY, NY
Brigham & Women’s/Mass. Gen. Health Care Center, Boston, MA
Boston Medical/Shapiro Center, Boston, MA
Goodwin Procter Law Firm, Boston, MA
Joel McHale, Private Collection
Martin Brest, Private Collection
Deloitte University, TX
Nutter McLennon and Fish Law Firm, Boston, MA


2016 Commission, Karen Imperial Fine Art
2016 Commission, L’Ermitage, LA
2009 Commission, City Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
2009 Commission, Patty Evert Fine Art, CA
2008 Finalist, MTA Arts For Transit, NYC
2011 Finalist, MTA Arts For Transit, NYC
2007 Commission, Metropolitan Hotel, NY
2006 Commission, Marriott Hotel, Atlanta, GA
2005 Commission, Hilton Hotel, NJ

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