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Anthony Frost


We Float IVWe Float IV
Anthony Frost
We Float IV
76.2 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£5,800.00
Sun Zoom SparkSun Zoom Spark
Anthony Frost
Sun Zoom Spark
91.4 X 121.9 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 48.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£9,000.00
Strictly PersonalStrictly Personal
Anthony Frost
Strictly Personal
61.0 X 71.1 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 28.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£5,000.00
Mirror ManMirror Man
Anthony Frost
Mirror Man
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£6,000.00
Anthony Frost
61.0 X 30.5 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 12.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£4,000.00
Dropout BoogieDropout Boogie
Anthony Frost
Dropout Boogie
91.4 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£6,000.00
Doc at the Radar StationDoc at the Radar Station
Anthony Frost
Doc at the Radar Station
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£5,800.00
Anthony Frost
101.6 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£5,000.00
Crow Hoof IICrow Hoof II
Anthony Frost
Crow Hoof II
61.0 X 45.7 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 18.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£3,500.00
Clear SpotClear Spot
Anthony Frost
Clear Spot
207.0 X 119.4 X 0.0 cm 81.5 X 47.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£20,000.00
Blue Jeans and MoonbeamsBlue Jeans and Moonbeams
Anthony Frost
Blue Jeans and Moonbeams
61.0 X 88.9 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 35.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£5,000.00
Bat Chain PullerBat Chain Puller
Anthony Frost
Bat Chain Puller
76.2 X 121.9 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 48.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£7,000.00
Surface PressureSurface Pressure
Anthony Frost
Surface Pressure
50.8 X 40.6 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£4,000.00
Space EchoSpace Echo
Anthony Frost
Space Echo
61.0 X 88.9 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 35.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£5,000.00
Anthony Frost
101.6 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch


Giant SandGiant Sand
Anthony Frost
Giant Sand
99.1 X 99.1 X 0.0 cm 39.0 X 39.0 X 0.0 inch


Anthony Frost est un artiste abstrait anglais dont les peintures et les impressions vibrantes et colorées exhibent l'énergie brute et la liberté de la musique rock. Il vit et travaille en Cornouailles.

Anthony Frost


Frost est le fils de Sir Terry Frost RA. Il a obtenu son BA Honors en Beaux-Arts au Cardiff College of Art en 1973, et a été artiste en résidence à l'École d'Art de Chypre, Chypre, à l'École de Peinture de Montmiral, Tarn, France, au Eton College, Royaume-Uni, et a été l'artiste en résidence à la Tate, Océanie, Caraïbes en 2011.

L'œuvre d'Anthony Frost


Frost a développé un processus unique qui est à la fois peinture et collage. Sa méthode est basée sur l'instinct et l'intuition, similaire au dessin automatique ou à la peinture d'action.

Il commence par former des formes abstraites à partir de matériaux trouvés tels que des toiles à voile, des filets à fruits, de la toile de jute, de la pierre ponce et du caoutchouc. Il les colle ensuite en couches sur la toile et peint les formes avec des couleurs vives. Sa technique est rapide et non conventionnelle....

Le but est de transcender les limites des idées préconçues et de proposer quelque chose de fidèle à sa vision intérieure.

Frost est également un graveur accompli. Malgré les exigences méthodiques de la gravure, il est réputé pour sa capacité à transmettre la liberté et l'énergie de son style de peinture dans ses estampes.


Frost a déclaré que la musique l'inspire plus que le travail d'autres artistes visuels. Il a créé plusieurs couvertures d'album et designs de merchandising pour le groupe anglais de post-punk The Fall.

Son ambition lorsqu'il commence un nouveau tableau est de manifester visuellement des sensations normalement attribuées à la musique, telles que le rythme, la vitesse et le volume....

Il considère la couleur, la forme, la texture, la dimensionnalité et la création de marques comme des outils permettant de créer un nouvel espace dans lequel ces éléments musicaux peuvent se matérialiser sous forme de compositions visuelles abstraites.

L'œuvre d'Anthony Frost
L'œuvre d'Anthony Frost

Déclaration de l'artiste

"Quand je commence une peinture, je ne connais pas les problèmes que je devrai affronter jusqu'à ce que la peinture soit bien avancée, et le secret (pour moi) est de garder le tout en ébullition ...jusqu'à la fin, donc le travail fini a ce sentiment d'excitation, de vitesse et de danger. J’essaie de pousser toutes mes peintures à l’extrême – c’est un voyage de découverte, plein de surprises, de problèmes, d’accidents (des accidents heureux que j’utilise à mon avantage) et de décisions, qui doivent tous être résolus de manière folle.


Frost a exposé largement en Europe et aux États-Unis. Les expositions récentes incluent Sound and Vision: TateShots au Tate Modern, Londres, et Works on Paper à la Royal Academy, Londres.


Ses œuvres font partie des collections de l'Université de Warwick, du Truro Museum and Galleries, de la Kasser Foundation, New York, de la Limerick Art Gallery and Museum, Irlande, de la Bank of America, Londres et bien d'autres.


Beaux-Arts, Londres
Galerie Zimmer Stewart, Royaume-Uni

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Solo Exhibitions

2016 ‘Beyond Cool’ , Zimmer Stewart Gallery, Arundel
2016 ‘Luminous Tracks’, Beaux Arts, London
2014‘Painting Smoke ‘, Zimmer Stewart Gallery, Arundel
2014‘Sound City’, New Mono Prints, Advanced Graphics London
2013 ‘Sun – Zoom – Spark’, Beaux Arts, London
2013 ‘Zoomstar’, The Belgrave Gallery,St Ives
2011 ‘Magnetic Fields’, Beaux Arts, London
2011 ’Ohio Buzz’, Advanced Graphics, London
2011 ’Sublime Frequencies’, Zimmer Stewart Gallery, Arundel
2010 ‘Back to Back’, New Prints, Brook Gallery, Budleigh Salterton
2009 ‘The Colour of Sound’, Beaux Arts, London
2009 Arundel Festival Exhibition, Zimmer Stewart Gallery, Arundel
2009 ‘Printhead’, New Editions and new mono prints, Advanced Graphics, London
2007 ‘Surface Noise’, Beaux Arts, London
2007 ‘Surface Noise: The Prints’, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter
2007 ‘New Monoprints & Recent Editions’, Advanced Graphics, London
2005 The Otter Gallery, Chichester University
2005 ‘Lunar Notes – Neon Dreams’, Advanced Graphics, London
2004 ‘Zig Zag Wanderer’, New Work, The Somerville Gallery, Plymouth
2003 ‘Big Colour in Space’ Space, Penzance
2002 The Original Print Gallery, Dublin
2001 ‘The Sound of Colour’, Hillsboro Fine Art, Dublin
2001 ‘The Space I’m In’, The Corporate Connoisseurs London
2001 ‘Walking into Red’, Advanced Graphics, London
2000 Kings College, Cambridge
1999 The Corporate Connoisseurs, London
1999 Jersey Arts Centre, Jersey
1998 ‘Viva Blues’, Mid Penine Gallery, Burnley
1998 Maymie White Contemporary Art, London
1998 Kings University Arts Centre Gallery, Cambridge
1997 ‘Viva Blues’, Darlington Arts Centre
1997 Kings University Arts Centre Gallery, Cambridge
1997 ‘Viva Blues’ (The remix – The Unofficial Tour), The Belgrave Gallery, London
1997 ‘Viva Blues’ (First Touch of Frost – The Unofficial Tour), The Forefront Gallery
1996 ‘Viva Blues’, Newlyn Art Gallery, Touring show
1996 Belgrave Gallery, London
1996 ‘Viva Blues’ Midland Arts Centre (MAC), Birmingham
1995 Gordon Hepworth Gallery, Exeter
1995 Jersey Arts Centre
1994 Bodily Gallery, Cambridge
1993 Rainyday Gallery, Penzance
1991 Monotypes & Related Paintings, Gordon Hepworth Gallery, Exeter
1991 Paintings and Monotypes, Royal Cornwall Museum Galleries, Truro
1989 New Paintings, The Salthouse Gallery, St Ives
1987 ‘Whiff of Magic’ New Paintings, Wolf at the Door Gallery, Penzance
1986 Anthony Frost ‘On Colour’, Newlyn Art Gallery, Newlyn Orion
1983 ‘Dangerous Diamonds’, Posterngate Gallery, Hull, Lincs & Humberside (touring)
1982 ‘Works on Paper’, Canterbury University Gallery
1981 Mandeer Gallery, London
1979 Newlyn Art Gallery

Group Exhibitions

2016 Works on Paper, Royal Academy, London
2016 ‘Kith & Kin’ Falmouth Art Gallery, Nicholsons/ Lanyons/ Hiltons & Frosts
2016 ‘Full Colour ‘ Heritage Courtyard Studios, Wells Summer Show, Belgrave Gallery
2016 St Ives Summer Show, Beaux Arts, London
2016 Craigie Aitchison & Anthony Frost, Screen prints & Monotypes, Gallagher and Turner, Newcastle Upon Tyne
2016 New Mono Prints, Advanced Graphics, New York.
2015 Modern British Contemporary, Beaux Arts, London
2015 ‘St Ives ‘ New Art Gallery, Walsall
2014 Colour Exhibition, Beaux Arts, London
2014 Summer Show, Beaux Arts London
2014 ” detail ” Arts Council & University Of Lincoln } H-Project Space, Bangkok } Transition Gallery, London } The Usher Gallery, Lincoln } Summer Show ,Belgrave Gallery ,St Ives Summer Show, Penwith Gallery, St Ives “Small Is Beautiful” Flowers Gallery, Cork Street, London
2013 Islington Art Fair, Beaux Arts, London
2013 20 Years in Cork Street, Beaux Arts
2013 London Summer Show, Belgrave Gallery, St Ives
2013 D.T.R. Modern, New York
2013 ‘The Fall Artists’ Christiana Gallery, Copenhagen
2013 Royal Academy Summer Show, London
2012 Islington Art Fair, Beaux Arts, London
2012 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2012 Llowes Court Gallery, Hay-on-Wye Festival, Bob Devereux and Anthony Frost
2012 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2011 Llowes Court Gallery, Hay-on-Wye Festival, Bob Devereux and Anthony Frost
2011 Islington Art Fair, Beaux Arts, London
2011 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2011 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2011 ‘8 Artists from Cornwall’, Eton Drawing Schools
2010 Sound and Vision’ ‘Tate Shots’, Tate Modern, London
2010 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2010 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2010 ‘Small is Beautiful’, XXVIII Flowers, London
2010 ‘Spoilt for Choice’, King’s Place Gallery, London
2009 Collectors Prints, Bohun Gallery, Henley-on-Thames
2009 Bert Irvin R.A. and Anthony Frost (Rare and Unique Prints) Gallagher and Turner Gallery, Newcastle
2009 Royal West of England Academy, Bristol (Newlyn Society of Artists)
2009 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2009 ‘Summer Show Part I’, The Stoneman Gallery, Penzance
2009 ‘Paintwork #3 The Fall’, Gallery Borchardt, Hamburg
2009 ‘Painted Quartets’, Cheltenham Music Festival
2009 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2009 Mixed Exhibition, Bohun Gallery, Henley-on-Thames
2009 Islington Art Fair, Beaux Arts, London
2008 ‘The Painted Path’ (including John Hoyland and Basil Beattie), Hillsboro Fine Art Gallery, Dublin
2008 ‘New Publications’, Advanced Graphics, London
2008 ‘Crossing Over’, Beaux Arts, Bath
2008 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2008 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2008 ‘Small is Beautiful’, Flowers East, London
2008 ‘The Colour Show’ (including Maurice Cockrill, Luke Frost, Rose Hilton,
2008 Mali Morris and Geoffrey Rigden), Hilton Young Gallery, Penzance
2007 Art Now Cornwall, Tate St Ives
2007 Anthony Frost & Essex Tyler, Zimmer Stewart Gallery, Arundel
2007 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2007 ‘One over One – Recent Mono Prints’, Advanced Graphics, London
2007 ‘Small is Beautiful’, Flowers Central, London
2006 Islington Art Fair, Beaux Arts, London
2006 Irving/Frost/Canning Monoprints, Advanced Graphics, London
2006 ‘Paintwork, The Fall’, Praxis Hagen Gallery, Berlin
2006 ‘London Calling’, Advanced Graphics, The Original Print Gallery, Dublin
2006 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2006 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2005 Islington Art Fair, Beaux Arts, London
2005 The Armoury, Advanced Graphics, New York
2005 ‘Summer Exhibition’, Beaux Arts, London
2004 ‘Buon Natale’, Advanced Graphics, London
2003 ‘Frost/Bourne/Tyler’, Maltby Contemporary Art, Winchester
2000 – 01 Eden Project, Cornwall
1999 Flowers West, Santa Monica, Americ
1995 – 96 Anna Bornholt Gallery – Mixed Shows
1995 ‘Beyond the Edge’, Paintings & Sculpture from Cornwall, Usher Gallery, Lincoln
1995 ‘The Edge of Beyond’
1994 ‘Beyond the Edge’, Paintings & Sculpture from Cornwall, Unit 10, Exeter Touring
1994 Affordable Abstract Art, Belgrave Gallery, London
1994 Contemporary Printworks, Spacex, Exeter
1994 ‘Small is Beautiful XII’, Angela Flowers Gallery, London
1994 The Little Picture Show, Rainyday Gallery, Penzance
1994 6” x 6” Small Artworks, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea (& London/Germany)
1993 Small is Beautiful ‘Homages’, Flowers East, London
1992 Artists from Cornwall, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
1992 Summer Show, Curwen Gallery, London
1992 Three Man: Andrew Lanyon, Alfred Wallis, Anthony Frost, Gordon Hepworth Gallery, London
1991 – 92 ‘Small is Beautiful’ – Part 9 Abstract, Flowers East, London
1991 – 92 Cornish Artists, Gordon Hepworth Gallery, Exeter
1991 ‘Colour Senses’, Three Abstract Painters, Spacex, Exeter
1991 ‘Young St Ives Painters’, Hall Gallery, Sterts Centre, Liskeard
1990 – 91 Christmas Exhibition, Austin Desmond, Exeter
1990 Abstract ’90, Cleveland Bridge Gallery, Bath
1990 South West Touring Exhibition, Plymouth – Prize – Winner
1990 Commission: The Fall ‘Extricate’ – Album & 2 Singles covers, T-shirt & backdrop
1989 A Century of Art in Cornwall, Truro Museum & Art Gallery
1988 – 89 ‘Small Show’, Flowers East, London
1988 Invited Artist. ‘The London Group’, Royal Collage of Art, London
1987 ‘Four Abstract Artists’, Angela Flowers Gallery, London
1987 ‘The Daybrook’, Smiths Gallery, London
1983 ‘Small is Beautiful’, Angela Flowers, London
1983 Wet Paint, Four Man, Festival Gallery, Bath
1983 ‘Flower Pot Art’, Bath Art Fair and Christopher Hull Gallery, London
1983 ‘A View from my Window’, Angela Flowers Gallery, London
1982 Sainsbury’s ‘Images for Today’ Compass Gallery, Glasgow
1981 Compass Gallery, Glasgow
1980 ‘Three Degrees of Frost’ (Terry, Anthony & Adrian), Prescote Gallery, Banbury
1980 ‘Public Hanging’, Penwith Gallery, St Ives
1979 Compass Gallery, Glasgow
1978 John Moores, Liverpool
1977 – 78 ‘Four Young Artists’, Penwith Gallery, St Ives
1977 ‘Dartist’ Show, Newlyn Art Gallery
1976 ‘Deck of Cards’, JPL Fine Arts, London
1975 Envelope Show, JPL Fine Arts, London


2009 Honorary Degree of Master of the University in Recognition of Services to the Arts (Open University)


2012 The Fall (Backdrop, T-shirt and Badge)
2008 The Fall: Imperial Wax Solvent (album, T-shirt and badge)
2000 Planting design (a living painting for the fodder crops exhibit) for The Eden Project
1990 The Fall: Extricate (album and two singles’ covers, T-shirt and backdrop)

Artist In Residence

2011 Eton College, UK (The James McLaren Art Fund)
2008 Tate Artist in Residence, Oceania, Caribbean
1999 Judge – JJ Fox Painting Competition, Jersey
1993 Montmiral School of Painting, Tarn, France
1992 Cyprus School of Art, Cyprus
1992 Judge & Organiser, Seven Celtic Artists, Finnistere, France


Warwick University
Nulfield Trust
John Moores
Contemporary Art Society
Cornwall County Council
Truro Museum and Galleries
Kasser Foundation, New York
Devon County Council
Contemporary Irish Art Society
Limerick Art Gallery and Museum, Ireland
Whitworth Gallery, Manchester
Lloyds T.S.B. London
Kings College, Cambridge
Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge
The Bank of America, London
E-People, Milton Keynes
Rotary Watches Ltd
Standard Life
QBE International Insurance
Williams Energy, London
Otter Gallery, University of Chichester Collection
New Art Gallery, Walsall ( Permanent Collection)

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