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Bill Kane


Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 할인 가격£750.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 할인 가격£750.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 할인 가격£750.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 할인 가격£750.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 할인 가격£750.00
EM-84 Protector 2EM-84 Protector 2
Bill Kane
EM-84 Protector 2
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-117 Asanga 6EM-117 Asanga 6
Bill Kane
EM-117 Asanga 6
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-104 GesheEM-104 Geshe
Bill Kane
EM-104 Geshe
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-78 Vajra 3EM-78 Vajra 3
Bill Kane
EM-78 Vajra 3
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-54 Palden Lhamo 2EM-54 Palden Lhamo 2
Bill Kane
EM-54 Palden Lhamo 2
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-46 RatnasambhavaEM-46 Ratnasambhava
Bill Kane
EM-46 Ratnasambhava
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-39 Medicine Buddha 3EM-39 Medicine Buddha 3
Bill Kane
EM-39 Medicine Buddha 3
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-36 Padmasambhara 2EM-36 Padmasambhara 2
Bill Kane
EM-36 Padmasambhara 2
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-26 SiddharthaEM-26 Siddhartha
Bill Kane
EM-26 Siddhartha
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-12 Red TaraEM-12 Red Tara
Bill Kane
EM-12 Red Tara
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-3 VajrayoginiEM-3 Vajrayogini
Bill Kane
EM-3 Vajrayogini
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
Bill Kane
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch 할인 가격£6,300.00
EM-57 White TaraEM-57 White Tara
Bill Kane
EM-57 White Tara
뉴미디어 아트
213.36 X 60.96 X 3.81 cm 84.0 X 24.0 X 1.5 inch


Bill Kane은 사진, 회화, 판화의 경계를 넘나드는 작업을 통해 이미지가 무엇인지, 그리고 무엇이 될 수 있는지를 탐구하는 미국의 다중 매체 예술가입니다. 그는 샌프란시스코 근처의 캘리포니아에서 살고 일하고 있습니다.


Kane은 1973년 매사추세츠 대학교 앰허스트에서 교육학 학사(B.A.)를 취득하였고, 1978년 샌프란시스코 주립대학교에서 사진학 석사(M.A.)를 취득하였습니다. 그는 미술을 위한 국가 기금 펠로우십을 두 번 수상하였으며, 한 번은 회화 부문, 한 번은 사진 부문에서 수상하였습니다.


1970년대 후반부터 Kane는 이미지 제작의 정의에 대한 더 넓은 탐구의 일환으로 다양한 방법과 재료를 지속적으로 실험해 왔습니다. 사진과 그 기본 요소들은 이 작업에 지속적으로 영향을 미쳤습니다.

에마네이션 시리즈는 사진의 가장 본질적인 측면인 빛의 영적 잠재력을 표현하려는 시도입니다. 시리즈의 각 작품은 불교 신의 영적 그림인 불교 탕카의 스캔 이미지로 진화하기 시작했으며, 그 후 흐릿하게 하고 늘려서 색상과 형태의 정제된 이미지만 남게 되었습니다. 이러한 축소된 이미지는 캔버스에 인쇄되어 Kane이 "부처의 빛의 몸체에 대한 원초적인 표현"이라고 언급하는 결과를 낳았습니다.


Emanations 시리즈에 대한 영감은 Kane이 우연히 만난 불교 승려에게서 비롯되었으며, 그 승려는 부처님의 이미지가 그것을 보는 이들에게 축복을 준다고 말했습니다. Kane은 이러한 축복을 고요함의 순간이나 마음의 평화로 이해했으며, 이는 마크 로스코(Mark Rothko)나 제임스 터렐(James Turrell)과 같은 예술가의 추상 미술 작품을 접할 때 관람자가 경험할 수 있는 것과 유사합니다. 무생물체가 관람자에게 이러한 감정을 부여할 수 있다는 개념은 Kane에게 깊은 공감을 주었으며, 그는 오랫동안 예술을 더 큰 지각적 경험의 출발점으로 보아왔고, 그의 사진을 더 큰 시각적 작품 내의 부분적인 요소로 여겨왔습니다.

Kane은 이 영적 현상을 세속적이고 현대적이며 보편적인 것으로 번역하기 위해 그의 에마네이션스 시리즈를 만들었습니다.


그의 작품은 샌프란시스코 현대미술관, 드 영 미술관, 피츠버그의 카네기 멜론 대학교, 새크라멘토의 크로커 미술관, 독일 프랑크푸르트의 현대미술관을 포함한 수많은 기관 컬렉션에 포함되어 있습니다.


Kane은 미국, 유럽, 아시아 전역에서 80개 이상의 전시회에서 그의 사진과 멀티미디어 작품을 광범위하게 전시해 왔습니다.


모더니즘, 주식회사, 샌프란시스코
스트레멜 갤러리, 리노, NV

Browsing the Artworks of the Digital Abstract Art Realm

디지털 추상 미술 영역의 작품 탐색

디지털 기술의 급속한 발전은 우리의 존재의 모든 측면에 깊은 영향을 미쳤으며, 예술도 그 파괴적인 영향에서 벗어날 수 없었습니다. 오늘날의 예술은 마우스 클릭 - 또는 최근에는 화면 터치 - 을 통해 나타나며, 예술가들이 디지털 영역에서 창작할 수 있도록 하는 소프트웨어와 앱이 폭발적인 속도로 증가하고 있습니다. 비대표적이고 비모방적인 특성 덕분에 ...

더 알아보기
Decorate Your Wall With Some Purple Abstract Art!

벽을 보라색 추상 미술로 장식하세요!

지중해 해양 달팽이에서 추출된 색소의 희소성은 초기부터 티리안 퍼플을 모든 색상 중에서 가장 권위 있고, 존경받으며, 비싼 색으로 만들었습니다. 고대 페르시아에서 로마와 비잔틴에 이르기까지, 이는 권력과 왕족의 상징으로 제정되어 가장 높은 고위 인사들만을 위해 예약되었습니다. 신성한 문서를 장식하거나 그 시대의 위대한 인물들을 묘사하는 것 외에는, ...

더 알아보기
Brighten Up Your Quarantine With Some Colorful Abstract Art!

격리 생활을 다채로운 추상 미술로 밝히세요!

COVID-19 발생은 세상을 변화시키고 우리의 삶을 전례 없는 방식으로 방해하고 있습니다. 전 세계 많은 국가들이 COVID-19의 추가 확산을 방지하기 위해 격리 조치를 도입했습니다. 그러나 집에 있는 것이 지루하거나 우울할 필요는 없으며, 더욱이 문화가 없는 것도 아닙니다! 예술은 어려운 시기를 극복하고 견디는 데 도움을 주는 것으로 알려져 있...

더 알아보기

Solo Exhibitions

2018 Emanations Stremmel Gallery, Reno, NV
2018 Emanations Curated by Cathy Baum & Associates
2018 Post Montgomery Center
2018 45 Fremont St., San Francisco, CA
2018 475 Sansome St., San Francisco, CA
2018 Emanations Modernism West, San Francisco, CA
2012 New Rayograms Modernism West, San Francisco, CA
2007 Transactional Works Modernism, San Francisco, CA
2004 Suprematist Nudes Modernism, San Francisco, CA
1995 Victory Series Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1993 Bill Kane Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1991 Berlin Wall Galerie Thomas Gehrke, Hamburg, Germany
1991 Photographs and Neon Kito Vegesack, Bremen, Germany
1991 Walden Pond Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1989 Berlin Wall Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1987 Photographs and Neon University of Northern Iowa, Gallery of Art, Cedar Falls, IA
1986 1985-86 Mixed Media Works Mission Gallery, New York, NY
1986 1983 Photo Neon Works Foster Goldstrom Gallery, Dallas, TX
1984 Photography/Neon Works Koplin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1984 Recent Works in Photography and Neon Foster Goldstrom Gallery, Dallas, TX (catalogue)
1983 Bill Kane Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C.
1982 Bill Kane Foster Goldstrom Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA (catalogue)
1982 Bill Kane Boca Raton Center for the Arts, Boca Raton, FL (catalogue)
1981 New Work from the Studio Series Foster Goldstrom Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
1981 Bill Kane Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Scottsdale, AZ
1980 Photo Neon Works Foster Goldstrom Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
1980 Photo Neon Works Falkirk Community Cultural Center, San Rafael, CA

Group Exhibitions

2018 Walls, Petaluma Art Center, Petaluma, CA
2010 Just Wright, a Fox Searchlight Pictures release by Sanaa Hamri
2010 Fine Art Photography: Beyond Digital, Petaluma Arts Center, Petaluma, CA
2010 20 x 20, Petaluma Arts Center, Petaluma, CA
2008 Definitely, Maybe a Universal Pictures motion picture by Adam Brooks
2008 The Artists of ZYZZYVA, Mina Dresden Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2007 The Namesake a Fox Searchlight motion picture by Mira Nair
2007 The de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA - Modernism West, San Francisco, CA
2006 Re Show: 2 decades of SOMA Artists 1960-1980, SomArts Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA
2005 Online/Onsite: Selections from Online: Photographer's Showcase, photo-eye Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2005 Sign Language, Henry Art Gallery, Monsen Study Collection of Photography, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2004 25th Anniversary Exhibition, Modernism, San Francisco, CA
2001 The First (Not the Last) Members Show, Petaluma Arts Council, Petaluma, CA
2000 International Exhibit for the New Millenium, The Sharjah Arts Museum, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
2000 The Baseball Show, George Krevsky Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2000 Multi-Media Mania: Various Artists, Varied Media, George Krevsky Gallery, Francisco, CA
1998 Shoot Me, Monique Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1997 Three from America, Galerie Thomas Gehrke, Hamburg, Germany
1996 Group Installation, The Gallery at Broadway Sound, New York, NY
1995 Untitled, Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1993 Concepts with Neon, State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY (catalogue)
1992 Summer of ’92, Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1992 American Art Today, Florida International. Univ. Art Museum, Miami, FL (catalogue)
1992 Group Exhibition, Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1992 Contemporary Icons and Explorations, traveling exhibition: (catalogue)
1992 Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, AL
1992 UC Berkeley Museum of Art, Science and Culture, Danville, CA
1992 Group Exhibition, Ianuzzi Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
1991 A Grave Silence, Ghia Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1991 At One / At War With Nature, Pratt Institute, Shaffler Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
1991 At One / At War With Nature, Pratt Institute Manhattan Gallery, New York, NY
1991 Contemporary Icons and Explorations, traveling exhibition; Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, TN (catalogue)
1991 Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MI
1991 Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City, OK
1991 Lakeview Museum of Arts & Sciences, Peoria, IL
1990 The Wall, An Installation of German and American Artists, Foster Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY
1990 Contemporary Icons and Explorations, traveling exhibition; Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, TN
1990 Robeson Center for the Arts & Sciences, Binghamton, NY
1990 Sunrise Museum, Charleston, WV
1990 Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC
1989 Simon Lowinsky Gallery, New York, NY
1989 Contemporary Icons and Explorations, traveling exhibition; Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Scottsdale, AZ
1989 Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, AK
1989 Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, FL
1988 Contemporary Icons and Explorations, traveling exhibition; Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KA
1988 Davenport Museum of Art, Davenport, IA
1988 Group Show, Museum of Neon Art, Los Angeles, CA
1987 Explorations, Extending the Boundaries of Contemporary Photography, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, IL
1987 Hans Jurgen Diehl, Bill Kane, Ralf Kerbach, Kastoriano-Shoshan Gallery, New York, NY (catalogue)
1987 Neon, Mission Gallery, New York, NY
1987 dalla POP ART americana, alla NUOVA FIGURAZIONE, Opere del Museo d'arte Moderna de Francoforte, Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milano, Italy (book)
1987 RoboCop, Orion Motion Picture Release
1986 Luminous Visions, Artisan Space, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY
1986 Cuisinart, Mission Gallery, New York, NY
1986 Foster Goldstrom Gallery, Dallas, TX
1986 Post Post-Modernism, The Pyramid, New York, NY
1985 Euthanasia, Mission Gallery, New York, NY
1985 University of Arkansas, Conway, AK
1985 Nine Artists Using Neon, Rancho Santiago Community College, Santa Ana, CA
1985 Ianuzzi Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
1985 Extending the Perimeters of 20th Century Photography, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA (catalogue)
1985 Light (Art) In August, Nexus, Foundation for Today's Art, Philadelphia, PA
1985 Illumination: The Quality of Light, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA (catalogue)
1984 Twentieth-Century Photographs from Hawaii Collections, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, Hawaii
1984 San Francisco/Science Fiction, S.F. Arts Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA (catalogue)
1984 San Francisco/Science Fiction, The Clocktower, New York, NY
1984 Electronic New Arts, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Scottsdale, AZ
1984 Ianuzzi Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
1984 Billboard Cafe, San Francisco, CA
1984 Democratic Billboard Show, Eyes and Ears Foundation, San Francisco, CA
1983 Inaugural Show, Leila Taghinia-Milani Gallery, New York, NY
1983 New Acquisitions, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
1983 Ianuzzi Night Gallery, Phoenix, AZ
1983 Lensless Photography, The Franklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia, PA
1983 International Directions in Glass Art, traveling exhibition; (catalogue)
1983 Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences, Sydney, Australia
1983 National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
1983 Wagga Wagga City Art Gallery, Wagga Wagga, Australia
1983 The Powerhouse Museum, Utimo, Australia
1983 Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Australia
1982 International Directions in Glass Art, traveling exhibition;
1982 Queensland Art Gallery, Queensland, Australia
1982 The Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
1982 Inside/Outside, Visual Arts Center of Alaska, Anchorage, AL
1981 Altered Images, Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
1981 Neo-Luminism, Bill Kane and Christian Schiess, Redding Museum and Art Center, Redding, CA
1981 Neon Fronts, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C. (catalogue)
1981 Contemporary Glass Australia, Canada, USA and Japan, traveling exhibition; (book and catalogue)
1981 National Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
1981 National Museum of Art, Kyoto, Japan
1980 Working with Glass/A Survey of Bay Area Artists, Triton Museum, Santa Clara, CA
1980 Light-Part One, Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA
1980 Current Trends in Glass, Walnut Creek Civic Arts Center, Walnut Creek, CA (catalogue)
1979 The Photographic Billboard Show, Eyes and Ears Foundation, San Francisco, CA
1979 The Photographic Billboard Show, A Documentation, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
1979 Judy Dater, Hal Fischer, Bill Kane, Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1979 Out of State, (Portfolio) Focus Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1979 Neon Works, Bill Kane & Christian Schiess, 130 Dore Alley, San Francisco, CA
1978 Photography and Language, 80 Langton Street Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1978 Contemporary California Photography, Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA (catalogue)
1977 West Coast Continuum, Walnut Creek Civic Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA (catalogue)
1977 Observations, Shado Gallery, Oregon City, OR
1977 As We Saw It, Southwestern College, Chula Vista, CA
1977 56 X 14, Newport School of Photography, Newport Beach, CA
1976 S.F. State Masters Photography, American River College, Sacramento, CA
1976 Friends of Camerawork, Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1975 San Francisco Arts Festival, San Francisco, CA
1973 Northeast Photo Invitational, Mount Holyoke College, Holyoke, MA

Selected Collections

Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA
de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA
The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA
The Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
Museum of Neon Art, Los Angeles, CA
The Southland Corporation, Dallas, TX
NW Ayer Advertising, New York, NY
Arthur Andersen Co., Chicago, IL
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, PA
Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA
Monsen Study Collection of Photography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Awards And Honors

1991 National Endowment for the Arts, Painting Fellowship
1984 The Eyes and Ears Foundation, S.F., CA, Photography Award
1981 National Endowment for the Arts, Photography Fellowship
1979 The Eyes and Ears Foundation, S.F., CA, Photography Award

Selected Articles / Reviews

Christian Schiess, Pushing the Boundaries of Light and Order, an interview with Bill Kane, Signs of the Times, May 1993
Phyllis Braff, Neon as a Meduim for Complex Messages, The New York Times, April 4, 1993
Helen L. Kohen, In FIU show, painting is alive and well, The Miami Herald, January 12, 1992
Step, Fotos furs Leben, Blei fur den Spirit, Bremen die tageszeitung, mittwoch, March 20, 1991
Ralf Rummel, Berliner Mauerstucke fur die Kunstreligion, Bremen, March, 1991
Lucas Shatto, Lucas Shatto about Bill Kane, 6./7. Ausgabe Artist Kunstmagazin, February 1991
Carl Little, Bill Kane at Foster Goldstrom, Art in America, December 1989
Miriam Seidel, Light (Art) in August, New Art Examiner, October 1985
Bill Marvel, Kane's stylishness smooths his art's rough political edge, Dallas Times Herald, February 8, 1984
Susanna Short, Exploring the World of Glass, Sydney Morning Herald, June 16, 1983
Alfred Jan, Bill Kane at Foster Goldstrom Fine Arts, Images & Issues, Jan./Feb. 1983
Jo Ann Lewis, The Writing on the Walls, The Washington Post, January 13, 1983
David Tannous, Neon Fronts at W.P.A., Art in America, January 1983
Suzann Boettger, The Best of '82/Art, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, December 22, 1982
Robyn Clarke, Painters Take the Wheel, The Age, December 21, 1982
Suzaan Boettger, Critic's Choice, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, October13, 1982
Jan Ingram, Neon, Space and Time Influence Exhibit, Anchorage Daily News, August 8, 1982
Sculpture Exhibit Explores Range of Media, The Anchorage Times, July 25, 1982
Liz Lufkin, Focus Surveys The Major Spring Art Exhibits, Focus, April 1982
Mark Levy, Bill Kane, Art Voices, Jan./Feb. 1982
Joseph E. Young, The Arts, Bill Kane, Phoenix, October 1981
Henry Scott Stokes, Art: The New Japanese Fascination With Glass, The New York Times, October 18, 1981
Hugh J. Delehanty, Art for Investment's Sake, Focus, September 1981
Neon Graffiti, Darkroom, September 1981
Paul Richard, Neon Turn On, Electric Artists Light Up Washington,
The Washington Post, August 23, 1981
Joanne Ostrow, Lighting the Night Artfully, The Washington Post, August 14, 1981
Benjamin Forgey, Neon: Night Is the Canvas, The Washington Star, August 1, 1981
Kelly Walton, Neon Accentuates Kane's Urban Art, Scottsdale Daily Progress, July 17, 1981
Barbara Cortright, Photo Neon Works by Bill Kane, Scottsdale Daily Progress, July 10, 1981
Center to show work of Bryant, Kane, Scottsdale Daily Progress, July 3,1981
Jo Ann Lewis, Galleries, The Washington Post, June 6, 1981
Joan Chatfield-Taylor, By Design, The San Francisco Chronicle, May 1, 1981
Suzaan Boettger, In Light of Neon, Artweek, 1981
Robert Atkins, Bill Kane, Arts Magazine, January 1981
The National Endowment for the Arts 1981 Photographers' Fellowships, AfterImage, December, 1980
Dorothy Burkhart, Neon, Interest in energy-saving 'Drawings in the dark' shows no sign of dimming, The Tab, Sunday Mercury News, September 21, 1980
Melinda Levine, Light, Line and Fire, Artweek, May 17, 1980
Ted Hedgepeth, Bill Kane: Space Reserved Wall, Artweek, May 10, 1980
Robert Atkins, Bill Kane: Photo-Neon at Foster Goldstrom Fine Arts, The Bay Guardian Day & Night, May 8, 1980
Charles Shere, New Trends in Glass, Oakland Tribune, April 29, 1980
Dennis Duerdon, Form Emancipated With Light, Artweek, February 9, 1980
Suzaan Boettger, In Light of Neon, The Daily Californian, February 8, 1980
Ada Garfinkel, Art Review: Novel Approaches, Independent Journal, January 23, 1980
Cathy Curtis, Light, Fabric, Thread as Art, Oakland Independant Sunday Magazine, January 20, 1980
Neon Highlights Richmond Art Show, Oakland Tribune, January 17, 1980
Gay Fahrner, Postcard And Neon Art, News Pointer, January 16, 1980
Judith L. Dunham, Messages On the Skyline, Artweek, October 6, 1979
Greg Fullington, Eyes and Ears: Getting The Show On The Road, New West, September 24, 1979
Thomas Albright, Distinction and Sameness All at Once, The San Francisco Chronicle, March 11, 1978

Catalogues / Publications

Who's Who in American Art
Independent Vision, Modern and Contemporary Art from the Martin Muller Collection, Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas
Modernism Twenty-Five Years 1979-2004, Modernism Inc., San Francisco, CA 2004
ZYZZYVA Winter 2004, San Francisco, CA 2004
MudFish 10, Contemporary Art and Poetry, Box Turtle Press/Attitude Art Inc. 1997
Amerikanische Kunst Aus der Sammlung Goldstrom New York, Bawag Foundation Wien 1994
Concepts with Neon, Staller Center for the Arts, State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 1993
American Art Today, Surface Tension, The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, FL 1991
Contemporary Neon, Rudy Stern, Retail Reporting Corporation, New York, New York, 1990
Liquid Fire, Michael Webb, Peregrine Smith Books, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1990
Contemporary Icons and Explorations, The Goldstrom Family Collection, Daniel Stetson, Davenport Museum of Art, Davenport, Iowa, 1988
Dalla Pop Art Americana, alla Nuova Figurazione, Opere del Museo d'Arte Moderna di Francoforte, Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea - Milano, Nuove edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, 1987
Hans Jurgen Diehl, Bill Kane, Ralf Kerbach, Kastoriano-Shoshan Gallery, New York, NY, 1987
Illumination, the Quality of Light, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA, 1985
Extending the Perimeters of Twentieth-Century Photography, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1985
San Francisco Science Fiction, Susan Arick, San Francisco, CA, 1984
Twentieth-Century Photographs from Hawaii Collections, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1984
Bill Kane, Selected Photography and Neon Works, Foster Goldstrom, Inc. 28 pp., 1983
Neon Fronts, Washington Project for the Arts and Olivia Georgia, Washington, D.C., 1983
Icons of Contemporary Art, Foster Goldstrom, Inc., Dallas, Texas, 1983
The Magic of Neon, Michael Webb, Peregrine Smith Books, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1983
Bill Kane, Photo/Neon Works, Foster Goldstrom Fine Arts and Boca Raton Center for the Arts 16 pp., 1982
International Directions in Glass Art, The Art Gallery of Western Australia, 1982
Lensless Photography, The Franklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia, PA, 1982
Contemporary Glass – Australia, Canada, USA & Japan, The National Museums of Modern Art, Kyoto and Tokyo, 1981
Glass in the Modern World, National Museums of Modern Art, Kyoto and Tokyo, 1981
Current Trends in Glass, Walnut Creek Civic Arts Center, Walnut Creek, CA, 1980
Contemporary California Photography, Camerawork Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 1978
West Coast Continuum, Walnut Creek Civic Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA, 1977


Photo/Neon work, N.W. Ayer Advertising, New York, NY, 1989
Photo/Neon work, David and Kathryn Waldrep, Dallas, TX, 1986
Photo/Neon work, Cognata & Associates, San Francisco, CA, 1984
Mixed Media sculpture, Heathman Hotel, Portland, OR, 1984
Photo/Neon work, Southland Corporation, Dallas, TX 1983
Neon Relief, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington D.C., 1981

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