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Anne Russinof


Anne Russinof
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,650.00
Drama QueenDrama Queen
Anne Russinof
Drama Queen
61.0 X 46.0 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 18.1 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,850.00
Anne Russinof
61.0 X 76.0 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 29.9 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,150.00
Schist 5Schist 5
Anne Russinof
Schist 5
38.0 X 28.0 X 0.0 cm 15.0 X 11.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,100.00
Ribs 12Ribs 12
Anne Russinof
Ribs 12
Huellas dactilares
46.0 X 41.0 X 0.0 cm 18.1 X 16.1 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,550.00
Anne Russinof
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.1 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,650.00
Boundary IssuesBoundary Issues
Anne Russinof
Boundary Issues
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.1 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,650.00
Schist 9Schist 9
Anne Russinof
Schist 9
38.0 X 28.0 X 0.0 cm 15.0 X 11.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£1,100.00
Anne Russinof
30.5 X 23.0 X 0.0 cm 12.0 X 9.1 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£900.00
Red SwashRed Swash
Anne Russinof
Red Swash
51.0 X 41.0 X 0.0 cm 20.1 X 16.1 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,100.00
Swipe 3Swipe 3
Anne Russinof
Swipe 3
30.5 X 23.0 X 0.0 cm 12.0 X 9.1 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£850.00
Playing For TimePlaying For Time
Anne Russinof
Playing For Time
45.72 X 40.64 X 0.0 cm 18.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,500.00
Anne Russinof
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,700.00
In the AirIn the Air
Anne Russinof
In the Air
76.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,650.00
Anne Russinof
101.6 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£4,950.00
Accent GraveAccent Grave
Anne Russinof
Accent Grave
101.6 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£4,950.00
Likely StoryLikely Story
Anne Russinof
Likely Story
40.64 X 38.1 X 0.0 cm 16.0 X 15.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,500.00
Anne Russinof
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,700.00
Anne Russinof
152.4 X 116.84 X 0.0 cm 60.0 X 46.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£8,150.00
Green WhirlGreen Whirl
Anne Russinof
Green Whirl
121.92 X 152.4 X 0.0 cm 48.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£8,150.00
Persian 1Persian 1
Anne Russinof
Persian 1
46.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 18.1 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£2,700.00
Anne Russinof
76.2 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£4,100.00
Look SeeLook See
Anne Russinof
Look See
76.0 X 76.0 X 0.0 cm 29.9 X 29.9 X 0.0 inch Precio de oferta£3,650.00
Anne Russinof
76.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 29.9 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch


Criss CrossCriss Cross
Anne Russinof
Criss Cross
61.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch


Flight PatternFlight Pattern
Anne Russinof
Flight Pattern
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch


Lift OffLift Off
Anne Russinof
Lift Off
50.8 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch


Anne Russinof
106.6 X 122.0 X 0.0 cm 42.0 X 48.0 X 0.0 inch


Anne Russinof
61.0 X 51.0 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 20.1 X 0.0 inch


Through the RoofThrough the Roof
Anne Russinof
Through the Roof
101.0 X 116.0 X 0.0 cm 39.8 X 45.7 X 0.0 inch


Anne Russinof es una pintora abstracta estadounidense cuyo trabajo examina el color y la estructura de manera gestual y expresionista. Ha sido miembro de American Abstract Artists desde 2014. Nacida en Chicago, Illinois, actualmente vive y trabaja en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

Anne Russinof


Russinof obtuvo su BFA en Grabado de la Escuela del Instituto de Arte de Chicago en 1979. Obtuvo su Maestría en Bellas Artes en Pintura y Grabado del Instituto Pratt en Brooklyn en 1982. Ha completado residencias en Yaddo y la Colonia Millay para las Artes, ambas en el norte del estado de Nueva York.

Russinof's Work


Para Russinof, todo comienza con el color. Como ella dice, "El color sirve para crear una ventana hacia el espacio natural y la luz." Comienza una pintura aplicando color en líneas gestuales. Las marcas se fusionan en una estructura, una cuadrícula suelta. Agrega capas; las relaciones de color evolucionan; emerge la profundidad; se sugiere un sentido de forma. Si la composición no se resuelve de manera efectiva, la raspa toda y comienza de nuevo desde un lugar de deconstrucción. Sus composiciones se sienten intuitivas, casi casuales, pero el proceso es bastante ...intencional. Russinof llegó a la pintura desde un trasfondo en la impresión. Llegó al óleo sobre lienzo después de trabajar a través de varios medios, superficies y procesos. Su práctica actualmente fluctúa entre obras en papel y obras en lienzo, y trabajos de pequeña y gran escala. Las pinturas más pequeñas le permiten trabajar rápidamente a través de ideas. Las obras en papel le brindan la oportunidad de experimentar con nuevos medios y técnicas.


Russinof se inspira en las cosas que ve: una reacción visceral para manifestar un sentimiento físicamente a través de la pintura. Ese estímulo visual inicial a menudo está relacionado con el color. El propósito de la obra no es imitar algo que vio o incluso capturar una sensación de ello. Más bien, se inspira en la búsqueda; el misterio de lo que sucederá; la tensión de esperar a ver cómo las capas húmedas de pintura van a interactuar. A menudo trabaja en varios lienzos a la vez, dejando que un ambiente de juego ansioso la guíe de imagen a imagen, con la esperanza de atraer algo elusivo a la existencia. Se siente motivada por el desafío de agregar solo lo que necesita ser agregado para atraer la mirada, y detenerse antes de que la imagen se vuelva caótica.

Russinof's Work
Russinof's Work

Declaración del artista

Russinof escribió lo siguiente para un catálogo de 2016:

"Mi imaginería actual evolucionó a partir de una decisión de verter y arrastrar pintura al óleo sobre un lienzo colocado en el suelo. La imaginería evocó enrejados o cuadrículas sueltas, y luego, un poco más tarde, a medida que los lienzos y pinceles se hacían más grandes, apareció un patrón más centralizado. La estructura se manifestó de una nueva manera: para equilibrar la espontaneidad de las marcas y la fluidez de la pintura, emergió un marco con una especie de figura, el gesto en sí, en el centro."


Russinof ha expuesto en todo Estados Unidos, principalmente en la ciudad de Nueva York y sus alrededores.


ODETTA Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
David & Schweitzer Gallery Flat file, Brooklyn, NY

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1982 Pratt Institute. Brooklyn, NY. MFA
1979 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois. BFA

Solo & Featured Exhibitions

2019 Galerie Zürcher Salon, Anne Russinof and Elise Siegel, Galerie Zürcher, NY
2019 Radiant, Elizabeth Gourlay, Anne Russinof, and Audrey Stone, ODETTA/1stdibs, NY
2014 Recent Work, Blank Space, NY
2013 Seeing Through, Emily Berger, Nancy Manter and Anne Russinof, 490 Atlantic Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2013 and Seeing Through: Recent Works on Paper, Soapbox Gallery, Brooklyn NY.
2013 Temporal Shifts, Paul Behnke, Craig Olsen, and Anne Russinof, Flecker Gallery, Suffolk Community College, NY
2013 Anne Russinof, AbArtonline
2011 Recent Work, Anne Russinof and Sand T, Blank Space, NY
2009 Recent Work, Anne Russinof, Tony Saunders, and Elise Whittemore, 215 College Gallery, Burlington, VT.
2007 Anne Russinof, The Painting Center, NY
2006 Recent Work, Anne Russinof and Tony Saunders, The Painting Center, NY
2004 Shapes, Sarah Lutz and Anne Russinof, The Phoenix Gallery, Burlington, VT
1989 Recent Work, One Main, Dumbo. Brooklyn, NY

Group Exhibitions

2020 Prints by American Abstract Artists, The Gallery at The Visual and Performing Arts Center, Western CT State U.
2019 Among Friends, The Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center, NY
2019 20th Anniversary Show, FiveMyles Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2019 Ear to the Ground, The Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT
2019 Midnight Oil, R.E. Steele Antiques, East Hampton, NY
2019 25th Anniversary Exhibition, The Painting Center, NY
2019 New York Artists Equity Members’ Invitational, Equity Gallery, NY
2019 Ondate/Waves, Bologna, Italy, with Centotto Gallery, Brooklyn
2018 Editions/Artists’ Books Print Fair, VanDeb Editions, Booth A-45
2018 Blurring Boundaries: The Women of AAA, Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, KY,
2018 October–November, and Ewing Gallery, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, November–December
2018 Summer Selects, VanDeb Editions, Long Island City, NY
2017 True Believers, David&Schweitzer, Brooklyn, NY
2017 The Flatfile Show, David&Schweitzer, Brooklyn, NY
2017 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2017 The Big Small Show, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ
2017 Thru the Rabbit Hole 2, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2016 Chromatic Space, Shirley Fiterman Art Center, NY
2016 Seeking Space: Making the Future, ExoMars, Brooklyn, NY
2016 Fiction (With Only Daylight Between Us), Corridor Projects, Dayton, Ohio
2016 The Onward of Art, 1285 Avenue of the Americas Gallery, NY
2016 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2016 Visible Histories, Abrons Art Center, NY
2016 Thru the Rabbit Hole, Sideshow, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY
2015 Endless, Entire, FiveMyles Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2015 Going Big, Central Booking, NY
2015 De Colores, The Buggy Factory, Brooklyn, NY
2015 Thrice Legendary, Centotto, Brooklyn, NY
2015 Family Ties, 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas
2015 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2015 New Work City, MomentaArt, Bushwick Brooklyn, NY
2015 Circle the Wagons, Sideshow, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY
2015 Back In Situ, or Turns, Centotto, Bushwick Brooklyn, NY
2015 Paperazzi IV, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Greenpoint Brooklyn, NY
2014 TSA Flat Files, Tiger Strikes Asteroid Gallery, Bushwick Brooklyn, NY
2014 Second Family, 2 Rivington St, NY
2014 Family Style, Formerly Pocket Utopia, NY
2014 Summer Invitational, Life On Mars Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2014 To Leo (Rabkin), A Tribute from American Abstract Artists, Sideshow Gallerty, Brooklyn, NY
2014 Paper and Canvas, ILLE Arts, Amagansett, NY
2014 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2013 Summer Exhibition, Blank Space Gallery, NY
2013 Phaedo, at Storefront Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
2013 Concentric, at The Table, Brooklyn, NY
2013 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2012 Summer Exhibition, Blank Space Gallery, NY
2012 Women's History Month Invitational, Van Deb Editions, NY
2012 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2012 Mic: Check (Occupy), Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2012 Paperazzi, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2011 Private Events, Blank Space Gallery, NY
2011 Grey Matter, The Painting Center
2011 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2011 Paper 2011, Janet Kurnatowski Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2011 It’s All Good: Apocalypse Now, Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2010 Small Works Invitational, The Painting Center, NY
2010 New Walls Fresh Paint, The Painting Center, NY
2009 100 Works on Paper, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
2007 Geometrics, Gallery 128, 128 Rivington St., NY
2006 The Persistence of Paint, The Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich Arts Center, CT
2006 Conversations in Paint, Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery, Haverford College, PA
2005 Conversations in Paint, The Akus Gallery, Eastern Connecticut State University, CT
2004 NYU Small Works Show, 80 Washington Square East, NY
2003 The Big Abstract Show, The Painting Center, NY
2003 NYU Small Works Show,, 80 Washington Square East, NY
2001 The Summer Show, The Painting Center, NY
1996 Permutations, Marymount Manhattan College Gallery, NY
1995 Maximum Capacity, Art Initiatives, NY
1995 Personal Visions III, An Art Place, Chicago, IL
1993 Spring Exhibition, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists’ Coalition, NY
1993 Group Show, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY
1993 The Shape Show, Brookwood Child Care, Brooklyn, NY
1993 Group Show, Organization of Independent Artists, NY
1992 Spring Exhibition, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists’ Coalition, NY
1992 150 x 150, Organization of Independent Artists at Rosa Esman Gallery, NY
1992 Choice, A.I.R. Gallery, NY
1991 Spring Exhibition, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists’ Coalition, NY
1991 Group Show, Organization of Independent Artists, NY
1991 Elements of Drawing, AMMO Brooklyn, NY
1991 Selections, 55 Mercer Street, NY
1990 Disparity in Content, AMMO Exhibition Space, AMMO Brooklyn, NY
1990 Into the ‘90s, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists’ Coalition, Brooklyn, NY,
1990 Gender: A Personal View, Brooklyn, NY
1988–1981 Small Works Show, Brooklyn Arts and Culture Association, Brooklyn, NY




Millay Colony for the Arts Austerlitz, NY, April, 1990
Yaddo Saratoga Springs, NY, March, 1989


2019 Blurring Boundaries: The Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936–Present, Organized by the Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky and the Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Published by University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2018. 160pp, illus.
2017 Anne Russinof, Baroque: Recent Work 2015-2017, Catalog, 2017. Forward by Paul D’Agostino, 34pp. Second Edition, October, 2017. 34pp
2017 Terrace, 2005–2104, by Karl Bielik, Publisher:, November, 2017. 72pp, illus.
2017 NYC Creative Salon podcast, Pia Coronel and Melissa Staiger hosts
2016 Art [inter] New York, Interviewed by Paul D’Agostino
2016 The Onward of Art, 2016, Essay by Karen Wilkin.
Published by American Abstract Artists, Nov – Dec, 2015. 88pp, illus.
2016 The New Criterion, mention by James Panero, Gallery Chronical, “The Onward of Art: American Abstract Artists 80th Anniversary Exhibition” at the 1285 Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery” Vol. 34, No. 7 / March 2016
2016 The Victory Hall Yearbook, by James Pustorino and Anne Trauben. Published by The Victory Hall Press 2016. 72pp.160pp, illus.
2015 The Black and White project, by Yifat Gat, Available at, 2016. 114 pp, illus.
2014 The New Criterion, by James Panero, Gallery Chronical, On “Sideshow Nation II: At the Alamo” at Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn; “Paperazzi III” at Janet Kurnatowski Gallery”
2013 A Painting A Day... Anne Russinof, hosted by Terry Greene. December 14, 2013
2013 The Many Faces of Abstraction, by Patrick Neal. July 9, 2013 review of “Phaedo,”
2013 Studio Critical Blogspot, hosted by Valerie Brennan. July 4, 2013
2013 Have You Met... Anne Russinof? Stephen Macinnis, Painter’s Progress Blog.
2013 Catalog for Temporal Shifts: Anne Russinof, Craig Olson, & Paul Behnke.
Publisher: Suffolk Community College, February, 2013. 8pp, illus.
2013 Interview at Studio Critical blogspot:
2012 BRIC Short List Summer Selections, Enrico Gomez, online Summer 2012
2012 Anne Russinof, Studio Visit / 2012-2011, Catalog of Recent Work, 21pp
2011 Anne Russinof, Reality and Imagination/ 2009-2010, Catalog, 2011. Forward by Joe Walentini, Dec., 2010. 20pp
2011 Anne Russinof, Nature Close Up 2005-2008, Catalog, 2011, Forward by Joe Walentini, April, 2011. 20pp
2009 Small Works: Anne Russinof, Tony Saunders and Elise Whittemore-Hill
2009 Catalog for Exhibition at 215 College Gallery, June, 2009. 20pp
2006 Abstract Art Online, Review by Joseph Walentini, Anne Russinof & Tony Saunders: Recent Paintings
2005 Art New England, February - March, 2005. Sarah Lutz and Anne Russinof: Shapes.
By Rik Casini Kadour, Publisher Art New England, Inc, Brighton, MA, 2005, p31.
1995 Now Time #4 1995. God, Total Religion and Madness. Editor Miyoshi Barosh, Publisher A.R.T. Press, NY, 1995, p.1, illus.
Time Capsule: A Concise Encyclopedia by Women Artists, Performers and Writers. Editor Robin Kahn. Publisher Creative Time, Inc., NY, 1995, illus.
1993 Promotional Copy: An Artists’ Anthology. Editor Robin Kahn. Publisher


2017 – 2019, London
2018 – 2019, Paris
2018 – 2019, New York
2018 – 2019 VanDeb Editions, New York
2016 – 2019 ODETTA/, New York
2016 – 2017 David&Schweitzer Flat File, Brooklyn, NY
2011 – 2014 Blank Space Gallery, New York
2006 – 2015
2004 – 2007 The Painting Center, New York

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