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Jean Feinberg


Jean Feinberg
Técnicas Mistas
36.2 X 53.4 X 0.0 cm 14.3 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,050.00
India !India !
Jean Feinberg
India !
Técnicas Mistas
38.1 X 28.0 X 0.0 cm 15.0 X 11.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£750.00
Jean Feinberg
68.0 X 53.4 X 0.0 cm 26.8 X 21.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,550.00
Jean Feinberg
38.1 X 28.0 X 0.0 cm 15.0 X 11.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£750.00
Jean Feinberg
Técnicas Mistas
47.4 X 42.4 X 2.5 cm 18.7 X 16.7 X 1.0 inch Preço promocional£1,300.00
Rachet RedRachet Red
Jean Feinberg
Rachet Red
29.3 X 167.7 X 0.0 cm 11.5 X 66.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,750.00
Jean Feinberg
31.2 X 179.2 X 0.0 cm 12.3 X 70.6 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,750.00
Jean Feinberg
47.0 X 31.8 X 0.0 cm 18.5 X 12.5 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,200.00
Jean Feinberg
58.5 X 31.8 X 0.0 cm 23.0 X 12.5 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,200.00
Jean Feinberg
63.5 X 49.6 X 0.0 cm 25.0 X 19.5 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,200.00
Jean Feinberg
32.4 X 33.1 X 0.0 cm 12.8 X 13.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,200.00
Jean Feinberg
48.9 X 43.2 X 0.0 cm 19.3 X 17.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,200.00
Jean Feinberg
43.2 X 31.8 X 0.0 cm 17.0 X 12.5 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£1,200.00
Jean Feinberg
50.8 X 40.6 X 0.1 cm 20.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,800.00
Jean Feinberg
50.8 X 40.6 X 0.1 cm 20.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,800.00
Red GlowRed Glow
Jean Feinberg
Red Glow
50.8 X 40.6 X 0.1 cm 20.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,800.00
Then & NowThen & Now
Jean Feinberg
Then & Now
50.8 X 40.6 X 0.1 cm 20.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,800.00
Untitled - OL3.17Untitled - OL3.17
Jean Feinberg
Untitled - OL3.17
66.0 X 55.9 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,100.00
Untitled - OL3.96Untitled - OL3.96
Jean Feinberg
Untitled - OL3.96
121.92 X 109.22 X 0.0 cm 48.0 X 43.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£3,850.00
Untitled - OL1.96Untitled - OL1.96
Jean Feinberg
Untitled - OL1.96
121.92 X 109.22 X 0.0 cm 48.0 X 43.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£3,850.00
Jean Feinberg
50.8 X 66.1 X 0.0 cm 20.0 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch Preço promocional£2,100.00
Untitled - LP1.10Untitled - LP1.10
Jean Feinberg
Untitled - LP1.10
124.5 X 116.8 X 0.0 cm 49.0 X 46.0 X 0.0 inch


Jean Feinberg
38.1 X 28.0 X 0.0 cm 15.0 X 11.0 X 0.0 inch


Open HeartOpen Heart
Jean Feinberg
Open Heart
63.5 X 47.0 X 0.0 cm 25.0 X 18.5 X 0.0 inch


Staggered RoseStaggered Rose
Jean Feinberg
Staggered Rose
50.8 X 40.6 X 0.1 cm 20.0 X 16.0 X 0.0 inch


Untitled - OL1.97Untitled - OL1.97
Jean Feinberg
Untitled - OL1.97
66.0 X 55.9 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Jean Feinberg é uma pintora abstrata americana que utiliza tinta, madeira, tela e papel para explorar a interseção entre pintura e objeto. Usando madeira recuperada, ela constrói pinturas que incorporam qualidades esculturais, borrando as linhas entre representação 2D e 3D. Ela vive e trabalha na cidade de Nova York.


Jean Feinberg obteve seu BS em Artes Visuais no Skidmore College, no estado de Nova York, e depois conquistou seu Mestrado em Artes em pintura na Hunter College. Feinberg lecionou ou deu palestras na Parsons School of Design, Princeton, no Chicago Art Institute e na Rhode Island School of Design, entre outros. Atualmente, ela ensina desenho e pintura no Fashion Institute of Technology na cidade de Nova York.


Feinberg trabalha com uma variedade de técnicas e meios, incluindo pintura, colagem em papel e instalação. A maioria de seu trabalho incorpora a aplicação de tinta, gesso, tela e outros meios em madeira encontrada e recuperada.

Seu processo resulta em pinturas abstratas, às vezes chamadas de construções, que utilizam abstração geométrica e padrões de cores exuberantes e dramáticos para explorar as relações entre cor, material e espaço.

O trabalho desafia pontos de referência objetivos, evocando em vez disso qualidades meditativas e facilitando explorações emocionais.


Feinberg se inspira em seu ambiente, em particular, na interação de luz e cor no Vale do Hudson, no estado de Nova York. Ela também é guiada em suas escolhas de cores e decisões composicionais por madeira, amostras de tinta e outros materiais encontrados que incorpora em suas construções.

Inspirado por noções de paisagem, natureza, tempo, espaço e sentimento, as construções abstratas de Feinberg comunicam sentimentos sobre a parceria do materialismo humano com elementos mais transcendentais da natureza.

Citações relevantes

Jeanette Fintz, pintora abstrata e escritora de arte, escreveu sobre o trabalho de Feinberg para The Artful Mind, dizendo: “As construções minimalistas, rústicas e sutilmente coloridas de Feinberg estão muito alinhadas com as telas abstratas de sucesso que ela exibiu ao longo de sua carreira. Seu estilo geométrico solto, mas reflexivo e espacial, sempre se preocupou com a cor planar… Sua sensibilidade à luz, forma e linha transforma…”


As obras de Feinberg estão incluídas em uma variedade de coleções públicas e privadas em todo os Estados Unidos. Seu trabalho é colecionado pelo colecionador de arte e filantropo Werner Kramarsky e também está incluído na coleção da Weatherspoon Art Gallery na Universidade da Carolina do Norte em Greensboro.

Distinções notáveis

O trabalho de Feinberg foi revisado em várias publicações de arte proeminentes, incluindo Artforum, ArtNews, Art International e o New York Times. Feinberg recebeu residências da MacDowell Colony em New Hampshire, a mais antiga colônia de artistas nos Estados Unidos.


Ela exibiu extensivamente seu trabalho em toda a América, principalmente na costa leste dos EUA, em uma variedade de exposições individuais e coletivas.


Thompson Giroux Gallery, Chatham, NY
Beth Urdang Gallery, Boston, MA
John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY

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1977 Master of Art in Painting, Hunter College, New York, NY
1970 B.S. Fine Art, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
1969 SIX Program, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
1964 - 65 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Solo Exhibitions

2016 "Jean Feinberg Works on Paper", John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY
2016 "Jean Feinberg", Beth Urdang Gallery, Boston, MA
2012 Marist College Art Gallery “Making Light” Larry Brown & Jean Feinberg, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY
2010 John Davis Carriage House Gallery, Hudson, NY
2008 John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY
2007 Beth Urdang Gallery, Boston, MA
1994 Beth Urdang Gallery, Boston, MA
1994 Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, NY
1989 Victoria Munroe Gallery, New York, NY
1987 John Davis Gallery, New York, NY
1985 John Davis Gallery, New York, NY
1984 John Davis Gallery, Akron, OH
1984 Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY
1981 Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY
1980 Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY
1980 University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI

Selected Group Exhibitions

2015 Thompson Giroux Gallery, Chatham, NY “En Masse”
2015 Urban Studio Unbound Inaugural Exhibition, Yonkers, NY
2015 FIT John E. Reeves Great Hall, FIT/SUNY, New York, NY “New Views”
2015 Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY “Circle the Wagons”
2014 FIT John E. Reeves Great Hall, FIT/SUNY, New York, NY “New Views”
2012 Thompson Giroux Gallery, Chatham, NY “Friend of a Friend”
2012 The Museum at FIT, New York, NY “Fantastic” Art and Design Faculty Exhibition
2012 SUNY Plaza Gallery, Albany, NY “FIT Faculty”
2012 BRIK Gallery, Catskill, NY “Cowgirls 4”
2011 Columbia-Greene Community College
2010 Museum at FIT, New York, NY “Lightness”
2010 BRIK Gallery, Catskill, NY “Cowgirls 3”
2009 FIT Gallery, FIT/SUNY, New York, NY “Metal Transfigured”
2008 Beth Urdang Gallery, Wellesley, MA
2008 National Academy Museum, New York, NY “183rd Annual: An Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary American Art”
2008 Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY “Peace”
2007 BRIK Gallery, Catskill, NY “Cowgirls 2”, curated by Rich Temperio
2007 The Museum at FIT, New York, NY “Imagined Sites: NYC”, curated by Lyle Rexer
2006 Artswalk, Hudson, NY “Feeding on the Past”, curated by Holly Hughes
2006 BRIK, Catskill, NY “In/formed Color”, curated by Jeanette Fintz
2005 Bond Gallery, New York, NY “Small Works”, curated by Nancy Olivier
2003 Columbia County Council on the Arts Open Studios “Artists in a Landscape”
2003 ADD Gallery, Hudson, NY “Krystyna Borkowska, Jean Feinberg, Susan Mastrangelo, Laine Nori, Helen Suter”
2002 Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Greensboro, NC “Finely Drawn: A Recent Gift of Contemporary Drawings”
2002 The Museum at FIT, New York, NY “FIT Art & Design Faculty: Works on Paper”
2002 Yaddo Benefit, New York, NY
2002 ADD Gallery, Hudson, NY “Joan Grubin, Jean Feinberg, Susan Mastrangelo”
1999 Beth Urdang Gallery, Boston, MA “10th Anniversary Celebration”
1999 The Museum at FIT, New York, NY “Materializing”, Recent Works by Art & Design Faculty
1999 Kendall Art & Design, Hudson, NY “Location: A Survey of Hudson Valley Artists”
1997 Robert Steele Gallery, New York, NY and James Howe Fine Arts Gallery, Kean University, Union, NJ “Intimate Universe (Revisited)”, curated by Michael Walls
1997 Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY “Current Undercurrent: Working in Brooklyn”
1996 The Museum at FIT, New York, NY “Art & Design Faculty Exhibition”
1995 ACI Juried Exhibition “The Best Contemporary Art 1995”
1995 Art Collection CD “Salon des Tree”, Central Park event, New York, NY
1995 Leubsdorf Gallery at Hunter College, New York, NY “New, Surprise, & Nostalgia”
1994 The Museum at FIT, New York, NY “Art & Design Faculty Exhibition”
1994 Sculpture Center, New York, NY Sculpture Center Benefit, E.S. Vandam Gallery, New York, NY “Remotion”
1993 Drawing Center, New York, NY “Return of Cadavre Exquis”
1993 Heidenberg Gallery, New York, NY “Structure”
1992 Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ “Art for Art’s Sake: A Celebration”
1991 Victoria Munroe Gallery, New York, NY “The Painters”
1988 Victoria Munroe Gallery, New York, NY “Elizabeth Dworkin, Katherine Bradford, Jean Feinberg, Laura Newman”
1987 “Romantic Science”, curated by Stephen Westfall, One Penn Plaza, New York, NY
1986 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY “Fifth Holiday Invitational Exhibit”
1986 Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, CA “Small Abstract Painting: Five New York Artists”
1986 John Davis Gallery, New York, NY “Andrea Belag, Jean Feinberg, Michael Gitlin, Catherine Lee, Louis Lieberman, John Parcher, La Wilson”
1986 Jack Tilton Gallery, New York, NY “The Inspiration Comes From Nature”
1986 Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, New York, NY “Spirit Tracks, Big Abstract Drawing”
1985 John Davis Gallery, New York, NY Inaugural Exhibition
1985 Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ “A Decade of the Visual Arts at Princeton”
1985 Victoria Munroe Gallery, New York, NY “Studio Visits”
1985 Pam Adler Gallery, New York, NY “Painting 1985”
1985 Creative Time Benefit Art Sale, Christies Auction, New York, NY
1984 Milwaukee Museum of Fine Arts, Milwaukee, WI “Current New Abstractions”
1984 John Davis Gallery, Akron, OH “The Fourth Annual”
1984 Muhlenberg & Lafayette Colleges, Allentown & Easton, PA “Small Works; New Abstract Painting”
1984 Robeson Center Gallery, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ “Painting Invitational”
1983 Jersey City Museum, NJ “Selected Drawings”
1983 Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA “Contemporary Abstract Painting”
1983 Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, NY “Russian Revolution to Post-Modernism”
1983 John Davis Gallery, Akron, OH “Third Annual Group Exhibition”
1982 Art Galaxy, New York, NY “Abstract Painting”
1982 Women’s Caucus of the College Art Association, New York, NY “Abstract Painting by Women Artists”, curated by Emily Sorkin
1982 Lafayette College, Easton, PA “Three Artists”
1982 Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York, NY “Sweet Art Benefit” for Franklin Furnace
1981 Grey Art Gallery, New York, NY Heresies Benefit Exhibition
1981 University of Texas, TX “The Image of the House”
1981 Bennington College, Bennington, VT “Invitational”
1980 Hunter Gallery, New York, NY “From the 16th Floor”
1980 Galeria Durban, Caracas, Venezuela “Art of the Eighties”
1980 Randolph-Macon College, VA “Art of the Eighties”
1980 Jeffrey Fuller Gallery, Philadelphia, PA “Painted Structures”
1980 Bell Gallery, List Art Center, Brown University, Providence, RI “Invitational”
1980 “Alumni Exhibition”, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
1979 Bette Stoler Gallery, New York, NY “New Drawings”
1979 Borgenicht Gallery, New York, NY “On Paper”
1978 Mary Boone Gallery, New York, NY “Jean Feinberg, Lynn Itzkowitz, Donald Sultan”
1978 “Constructs”, O.I.A. Exhibition, New York, NY
1977 55 Mercer Street Gallery, New York, NY “Invitational”
1977 A.I.R. Gallery, New York, NY “Invitational”


1997 Yaddo Residency
1995 Edward Albee Foundation Residency
1989 National Endowment for the Arts, Painting
1983 National Endowment

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