


Tracey Adams


Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
(r) evolution 31(r) evolution 31
Tracey Adams
(r) evolution 31
76.2 X 152.4 X 0.1 cm 30.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£7,100.00
Balancing Act 1Balancing Act 1
Tracey Adams
Balancing Act 1
62.0 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 24.4 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Balancing Act 3Balancing Act 3
Tracey Adams
Balancing Act 3
66.0 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Balancing Act 2Balancing Act 2
Tracey Adams
Balancing Act 2
66.0 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Anything You Lose Comes Round in a Different FormAnything You Lose Comes Round in a Different Form
Tracey Adams
Anything You Lose Comes Round in a Different Form
122.0 X 91.4 X 0.1 cm 48.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£6,800.00
Tangle 17Tangle 17
Tracey Adams
Tangle 17
76.2 X 56.0 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£3,200.00
Sattva 40Sattva 40
Tracey Adams
Sattva 40
86.36 X 66.04 X 0.0 cm 34.0 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£2,600.00
Sattva 39Sattva 39
Tracey Adams
Sattva 39
86.36 X 66.04 X 0.0 cm 34.0 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£2,600.00
Lumenis 44Lumenis 44
Tracey Adams
Lumenis 44
61.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£2,700.00
Lumenis 43Lumenis 43
Tracey Adams
Lumenis 43
61.0 X 61.0 X 0.0 cm 24.0 X 24.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£2,700.00
Linear MomentumLinear Momentum
Tracey Adams
Linear Momentum
91.5 X 91.5 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 36.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£4,500.00
Why I wake earlyWhy I wake early
Tracey Adams
Why I wake early
101.6 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£6,250.00
(r) evolution 28(r) evolution 28
Tracey Adams
(r) evolution 28
121.92 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 48.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£6,850.00
Guna TTGuna TT
Tracey Adams
Guna TT
98.0 X 66.0 X 0.0 cm 38.6 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£2,750.00
Guna IIGuna II
Tracey Adams
Guna II
91.4 X 66.0 X 0.0 cm 36.0 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£2,750.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch 促销价格£1,300.00
Music is a Means of Rapid TransportationMusic is a Means of Rapid Transportation
Tracey Adams
Music is a Means of Rapid Transportation
76.2 X 56.0 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 inch


Balancing Act 4Balancing Act 4
Tracey Adams
Balancing Act 4
66.0 X 50.8 X 0.0 cm 26.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 inch


Teach Us to Sit StillTeach Us to Sit Still
Tracey Adams
Teach Us to Sit Still
81.3 X 152.4 X 0.0 cm 32.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 inch


(r) evolution 51(r) evolution 51
Tracey Adams
(r) evolution 51
101.6 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


(r ) evolution 34(r ) evolution 34
Tracey Adams
(r ) evolution 34
101.6 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


(r ) evolution 14(r ) evolution 14
Tracey Adams
(r ) evolution 14
101.6 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


(r ) evolution 2(r ) evolution 2
Tracey Adams
(r ) evolution 2
101.6 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


(r ) evolution 39(r ) evolution 39
Tracey Adams
(r ) evolution 39
101.6 X 101.6 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 40.0 X 0.0 inch


(r ) evolution 22(r ) evolution 22
Tracey Adams
(r ) evolution 22
76.2 X 152.4 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 60.0 X 0.0 inch


(r ) evolution 20(r ) evolution 20
Tracey Adams
(r ) evolution 20
101.6 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 40.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch


Guna RRGuna RR
Tracey Adams
Guna RR
98.0 X 66.0 X 0.0 cm 38.6 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch


Guna QQGuna QQ
Tracey Adams
Guna QQ
98.0 X 66.0 X 0.0 cm 38.6 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch


Guna HHGuna HH
Tracey Adams
Guna HH
98.0 X 66.0 X 0.0 cm 38.6 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch


Guna JJGuna JJ
Tracey Adams
Guna JJ
98.0 X 66.0 X 0.0 cm 38.6 X 26.0 X 0.0 inch


Obligation to RetreatObligation to Retreat
Tracey Adams
Obligation to Retreat
76.2 X 81.2 X 0.0 cm 30.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 inch


Utopia for Practical PurposesUtopia for Practical Purposes
Tracey Adams
Utopia for Practical Purposes
81.2 X 76.2 X 0.0 cm 32.0 X 30.0 X 0.0 inch


Tracey Adams
48.0 X 32.0 X 0.0 cm 18.9 X 12.6 X 0.0 inch


Tracey Adams是一位美国抽象画家和版画家。她的艺术作品反映了对音乐模式、节奏、抒情构成元素以及她所称的表演感的强烈兴趣。她在加利福尼亚州的卡梅尔生活和工作。


Adams 于1978年在洛杉矶的圣玛丽学院获得学士学位。她于1979年至1981年在波士顿美术博物馆学校学习版画和绘画,并于1980年获得新英格兰音乐学院的硕士学位。她获得了多个奖学金和资助,包括2015年的波洛克-克拉斯纳基金会资助、美国国务院和文化部的资助,以及佛蒙特艺术中心的奖学金。


Adams 在面板和纸上创作,使用油漆、蜡画和石墨的混合物,以及单版画和拼贴的元素。规划和直觉同样影响她的创作过程。她常常会从一个精确的数学公式的角度开始一件作品或一个系列,提前规划构图元素。其他时候,她会从一个网格结构开始,然后在这个结构内工作,融入有机的、表演性的手势和表现性的笔触。无论一件特定作品从何处开始,Adams 都参与一个开放的、探索性的过程,让作品得以发展。最终的结果往往是她最初想法和直觉的混合,创造出捕捉心灵与情感和谐本质的构图。


她的音乐背景是最激励Tracey Adams的因素。她的作品深受音乐结构、节奏和作曲的影响。她的色彩选择反映了她在加利福尼亚中部蒙特雷附近半岛生活的个人环境。水面上的光线、雾气的柔和效果、落日的色彩以及郁郁葱葱的当地植物的调色板都融入了她的作品中。在研究生期间,Adams常常与作曲家和艺术家约翰·凯奇合作,他对她的进步产生了深远的影响。她曾表示,她的作品力求捕捉她希望身处的环境的宁静与美丽。




Adams 在美国和偶尔在欧洲的个人展览和群展中展出广泛。


Adams的作品是多个博物馆永久收藏的一部分,包括贝克斯菲尔德艺术博物馆、蒙特雷艺术博物馆、弗雷斯诺艺术博物馆、图森艺术博物馆和圣巴巴拉艺术博物馆。她的作品也属于多个企业收藏,包括Adobe Systems、AT&T公司总部、Hallmark公司总部、索尼公司和英特尔。


M.A. Doran 画廊,塔尔萨,俄克拉荷马州
Anne 洛克斯画廊,格伦科,伊利诺伊州

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本周最佳购买 - 美国抽象艺术家的艺术作品!

霍夫斯特拉大学艺术博物馆最近低调开幕的《未探索:信息时代的美国抽象》群展,展出了美国抽象艺术家组织的8位成员,进一步确认了人们对美国抽象艺术的持续而迷人的兴趣。未来的一年将为美国抽象艺术家带来自己的庆祝活动——这是您购买美国抽象艺术!的最佳时机! 在即将到来的年度中,有多个活动将表彰美国抽象艺术家,其中两个必看的活动尤为突出。巴尔的摩艺术博物馆(BMA)和旧金山现代艺术博物馆(SFMOMA...

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我们之前已经写过关于艺术元素的内容,例如线条、颜色、纹理等。设计原则是我们用来描述这些元素在视觉构图中如何协作的方式。抽象艺术设计原则与具象艺术设计原则几乎没有区别,但抽象艺术设计往往可以以更直接的方式阐明设计的一般原则,因为没有叙事主题干扰对作品的形式解读。然而,具有讽刺意味的是,通过从形式设计的角度分析作品,作品中增强或隐藏的意义有时会被揭示出来。 抽象构成的定义 创作某物意味着将其组...

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武术家布鲁斯 Lee 曾指示他的学生学习一切,保留有用的,然后抛弃其余的。这正是抽象艺术家们对 贾科莫·巴拉 和未来主义者遗产所做的。任何曾经阅读过《未来主义宣言》的人都很难完全接受它,原因之一就是它公然倡导无休止的战争。作为该宣言的原始签署者之一,贾科莫·巴拉在个人上也可能难以支持。但如果我们能将巴拉的政治信仰与他对抽象艺术的贡献分开,只保留对我们有用的部分,我们就能看到他对抽象艺术发展...

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艺术是独特而个人化的,不仅对创作它的艺术家而言,也对观看它的人而言。抽象艺术更是如此。艺术是观众理想、兴趣和抱负的延伸和反映。它让他们以创造性的方式反映出他们作为一个人的本质。艺术能够影响情感;每当人们看着它时,艺术可以让他们感到快乐、悲伤、愤怒或喜悦。正因如此,许多人在选择艺术作品时,可能会更多地受到情感的支配,而非其他原因。 真正艺术的原则不是描绘,而是唤起 - 杰尔兹·科辛斯基 艺术...

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颜色能够影响我们的幸福感、我们的感受以及我们对生活的享受。尽管对颜色的欣赏和感知在很大程度上可能依赖于个人经历,但一般来说,有确凿的轶事证据表明,某些颜色比其他颜色更能唤起强烈的情感和情绪,从而影响行为、情感等。 尽管受到批评,色彩理论几个世纪以来一直受到许多人的赞誉,这是一门终于开始被认真对待的科学。色彩心理学在潜意识层面上发挥作用;色彩是许多人在购买艺术品时使用的第一个标准,即使他们并...



1979 - 1981 Graduate work in printmaking, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston  

1980 MM, New England Co nservatory of Music, Boston 

1978 BA, Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles

Solo Exhibitions 

2018 Primordial Soup San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA (Curator: Cathy Kimball) 

2016 Cause and Effect: Mapping a Dialogue Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto, CA 

2014 Patterns of Infinity Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto and Winfield Gallery, Carmel 

2013 Lumenis Winfield Gallery, Carmel 

2012 Oblique Intention Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Seattle and Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2011 Perspectives in Balance Anne Loucks Gallery, Glencoe, IL 

2011 Between Gesture and Geometry Fresno Art Museum, Fresno 

2010 Elements of Harmony Mark Gallery, Englewood, NJ 

2010 Between Gesture and Geometry Gebert Gallery, Venice, CA 

2010 Spontaneous Meditations Anne Loucks Gallery, Chicago 

2009 Synapse/Synapses Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey 

2009 Recent Encaustic Paintings Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Seattle 

2009 Mindful Inversions Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History and Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2008 Recent Encaustic Paintings Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Seattle 

2007 Music of Spheres, Rhythm of Squares Melanee Cooper Gallery, Chicago 

2007 Thinking in Circles Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2006 The Perfection of Imperfection Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto & Winterowd Fine Art, Santa Fe 

2005 The Symmetry of Asymmetry Monterey Museum of Art and Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2003 Routines and Rituals Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2002 Intervals: Gesture to Icon Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York City and Bryant Street Gallery, 

2001 Intimate Possibilities Sandy Carson Gallery, Denver and Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2000 Broken Symmetry Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York City 

1999 New Work Andrea Schwartz Gallery, San Francisco 

1998 New Monotypes Winfield Gallery, Carmel 

1996 Ambiguities Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey 

Selected Group Exhibitions 

2017 Storied Paper Carl Cherry Center for the Arts Carmel, CA (Curator: Robert Reese) 

2017 Brand Spanking Blue Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto, CA 

2017 Work X 5 Clark Gallery, Lincoln, MA 

2017 Art on Paper NY, K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco, CA 

2016 PAPER: burned, cut, folded and stitched Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto, CA (Curator: Tracey Adams) 

2016 Art on Paper K. Imperial Fine Art, NYC, NY 

2016 In the Abstract Anne Loucks Gallery, Glencoe, IL 

2016 24th Annual Group Exhibition Rovzar Gallery, Seattle, WA 

2015 Between The Spaces, Butters Gallery, Portland, OR (Curator: Elise Wagner) 

2015 Art on Paper, K. Imperial Fine Art, NYC, NY 

2015 ArtHamptons, Bruce Lurie Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 

2015 Adaptations, Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Seattle, WA 

2015 eXXpectations, Cornell Museum of Art, DelrayBeach, FL (Curator: Melanie Johanson) 

2015 Momentum Transferred, Bruce Lurie Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 

2014 Swept Away: Translucence, Transparence, Transcendence in Contemporary Encaustic Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ 

2014 SHIFT: Five Decades of Contemporary California Painting Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey 

2014 The Circle Game Tucson Art Museum, Tucson 

2014 Outside/In K. Imperial Fine Art, San Francisco 

2013 Facing Forward, Recent Acquisitions: 2000 to Present Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey 

2013 Swept Away: Translucence, Transparence, Transcendence in Contemporary Encaustic Cape 2013 Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA (Curator of Exhibitions: Michael Giaquinto 

2013 Elephant in the Room: Contemporary Work in Encaustic Laconia Gallery, Boston (Curators: Linda Cordner and James Hull) 

2013 Conference Instructors Exhibition Schoolhouse Gallery, Provincetown 

2012 Winter Exhibition: Recent Acquisitions Bakersfield Museum of Art, Bakersfield 

2012 LA Art Show Gebert Gallery, LA Convention Center, Los Angeles 

2012 Affordable Art Fair Patricia Rovzar Gallery, Seattle Center, Seattle 

2011 Action Abstraction Mark Gallery, Englewood, NJ 

2011 Rock, Scissors, Paper: Bay Area Collage Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto 

2011 Third Anniversary Show Gebert Gallery, Venice, CA 

2011 San Francisco Fine Art Fair Bryant Street Gallery, San Francisco 

2010 Vessels Bakersfield Museum of Art, Bakersfield (Curator: Aaron Weisenfeld) 

2010 Los Angeles Art Fair Los Angeles Convention Center, Gebert Gallery, Venice, CA 

2010 Working with Wax: Contemporary Encaustic Painting in Northern California Santa Rosa 2010 Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA (Curator: Thomas Morphis) 

2009 PRINTED Cabrillo College Gallery, Aptos, CA (Juror: Archana Horsting) 

2009 Diverse Impressions: Bay Area Abstraction Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA (Curator: George Rivera) 

2009 225º F: Encaustic Encounters Turchin Center for the Arts, Boone, NC (Curator: Brook Bower) 

2009 4th Annual Encaustic Invitational Conrad Wilde Gallery, Tucson (Curator: Elizabeth Meigs) 

2008 trans+lucent Gebert Gallery, Venice, CA 

2008 New Encaustic Paintings Julie Nester Gallery, Park City 

2008 Relative Geometries Conrad Wilde Gallery, Tucson (Curator: Elizabeth Meigs) 

2008 Contemporary Ruin Escondido Museum, Escondido, CA (Curator: Olivia Luther) 

2008 A View of the Collection Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz 

2007 Three Encaustic Painters: Tracey Adams, Mark Rediske, Tony Scherman Carson Masuoka Gallery, Denver 

2007 Encaustic Works 2007 Ball State University, Muncie, IN and Watermark/Cargo Gallery, Kingston, NY (Juror: Joan Snyder) 

2007 California Views National Steinbeck Museum, Salinas, CA (Curator: Scott Shields) 

2007 Affordable Art Fair Julie Nester Gallery and Bryant Street Gallery, New York City 

2006 SFMOMA Art Auction 2006 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco 

2006 Invitational Auction (fundraiser) San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose 

2006 Art (212) The 69th Regiment Armory, Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York City 

2005 Gallery Artists Allene Lapides Gallery, Santa Fe 

2005 Works on Paper The 69th Regiment Armory, Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York City 

2005 Monothon San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose 

2004 Between the Lines: Traveling Full Circle Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel 

2003 Images of Vermont (traveling exhibition) Andy Warhol Museum, Medzilaborce, Slovak Republic; Východoslovenská galéria v Kosiciach, Kosice, Slovak Republic; Sarisská galéria, Presov, Slovak Republic; and US Steel Towers, Pittsburgh 

2001 Juried Exhibition Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey (Juror: Cathy Kimball) 

2000 Invitational Miniature Show Bolinas Museum, Bolinas, CA 

2000 Artstravaganza Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga (Curator: Helene Seeman) 

1999 Small Things Come in Good Packages Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York City 

1998 A Three Point Perspective Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel 

1998 Gallery Artists Solomon Projects, Atlanta 

1996 Five Gallery Artists Los Angeles County Museum Rental and Sales Gallery, Los Angeles 

1996 The Monotype: Method to Magic (Curator: Tobin Keller), Cabrillo College Gallery, Aptos, CA 

1995 Janet Turner National Print Competition CSU Chico, CA (Juror: Marion Epting) 

1995 National Works on Paper VII Valdosta University, Valdosta, GA (Juror: William Walmsley) 

Awards And Honors 

2015 Pollock - Krasner Foundation Grant  

2014 Visual Artist - in - Residence, Music at Menlo Chamber Music Festival & Institute , Atherton, CA  

2007 Third - place , California Views: Portals and People , National Steinbeck Museum, Salinas, CA  

2005 Residency and s tipend , Bemis Art Center, Omaha, NE , to collaborate on public project in 2005 Slovak Republic with Virginia Folkestad and Lena Leskova  

2004 Artist’s Grant , Ministry of Culture, Slovak Republic , Between the Lines: Traveling Full 

2004 Publication invitation , Trillium Press (Brisbane, CA) for a series of monoprints  

2003 Artist’s Grant , US Department of State , to support Images of Vermont exhibit at the Andy Warhol Museum, Medzilaborce, Slovakia  

2003 Artist’s Grant, US Steel , to support Images of Vermont exhibit at the Andy Warhol Museum, Medzilaborce, Slovakia and US Steel Towers, Pittsburgh  

1995 Scholarship, California State University , Long Beach to participate in “The Transient Image”  

1995 Artist’s Grant (p rintmaking ) , The Community Foundation of Monterey  

1995 Artist’s Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center , Johnson, VT

Museums Collections 

Bakersfiel d Museum of Art, Bakersfield Crocker Museum, Sacramento Fresno 

Museum of Art, Fresno Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ Mont erey Museum of Art, Monterey Museum of Contempora ry Art, Hot Springs, AR 

New Museum Los Gatos, Los Gatos, CA Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara 

Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, Santa Cruz Tucso n Museum of Art, Tucson 

Selected Public Collections 

Beverly Hills P ublic Library, Beverly Hills 

Dallas Arboretum and Botanic al Gardens, Dallas 

David & Lucille Packard Foundation, Los Altos, CA 

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey New England C onservatory of Music, Boston 

Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus 

Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts , Boston 

US Department of the Army, Washington DC 

US Department of the Army, Seoul, Korea 

US Department of State, Washington DC 

University of California, Santa Cruz 

U C Medical Center, San Francisco 

University of Wiscon sin Medical Center, Madison 

Corporate Collections 

Adobe Systems, San Jose 

AT&T Corporate Headquarters, Los Angeles 

Canon Corporation, San Jose 

The Chubb Group, Warren, NJ 

Fidelity Investments, Boston, MA 

Ford Motor Company, Dearborn 

General El ectric Corporation, Stamford, CT 

Hallmark Corporate Headquarters, Kansas City, MO 

Intel, In c., San Jose 

McKinsey & Co., Washington, DC 

Pfizer Pharmaceutical, New York City 

Sony Corporation, San Jose 

Sprint Corporate Headquarters, Overland Park, KS 

Stanford University Hospital, Stanford, CA 

Toyota Corporation, Torrance, CA 

VISA Corporate Headquarters, Sa 

Publications: Catalogs 

2016 PAPER: burned, cut, folded and stitched, Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto, CA Issuu (online) 

2014 Swept Away: Translucence, Transparence,Transcendence in Contemp orary Encaustic , Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ 

2014 Patterns of Infinity, Paintings of Tracey Adams, Bryant Street Gallery, Palo Alto. Ninth Annual Encaustic Invitational , Conrad Wilde Gallery, Tucson. 

2013 Lumenis , New Paintings of Tracey Ada ms, Wi nfield Gallery, Carmel . 

2013 Swept Away: Translucence, Transparence,Transcendence in Contemporary Encaustic , Cape Cod Museum of Art . 

Elephant in the Room: Contemporary Work in Encaustic , Laconia Gallery, Boston. 

2009 Insight/Inside , LA St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles . 

2007 Encaustic Works 2007 , Ball State University, Muncie, IN . 

2006 SFMOMA Art Auction 2006 , San Francisco Museum of Modern Art . 

2005 The Symmetry of Asymmetry , Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey . 

2004 Between the Lines: Traveling Full Circle , Car l Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel . 

2003 Images of Vermont (traveling exhibition), Andy Warhol Museum, Medzilaborce, Slovakia . 

2002 Intervals: Gesture to Icon , Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York City . 

2001 Intimate Possibilities , Carson Masuoka Gallery , Denver Books 

2015 Linda Womack. Embracing Encaustic: Learning to Paint With Beeswax, Vol. III . 

2013 Catherine Nash. Authentic Visual Voices: Contemporary Paper & Encaustic . 

2012 Michelle Belto. Paper + Wax: Techniques in Handmade Paper and Enca ustic . Cincinnati: North Light Books. 

2010 Lissa Rankin. Encaustic: A Guide to Creating Fine Art with Wax. Watson - Gupthill. 

2010 Selected Reviews/Articles 

2016 Tracey Adams . “ Cut and Paste” , Professional Artist Magazine , Orlando, FL, December 

 2016 Kathryn Markel, “ In Conversation with Tracey Adams” , www.markelfinearts.com , September 

 2016 Elise Morris. The Studio Work blog, March 22 

2015 Images used in Catamaran Literary Reader, Spring, Santa Cruz, CA. 

2014 John Seed. “Everything in My Life is Interconnected.” Huffington Post , August 11. 

2014 Brenda Hope Zappitell. “Tracey Adams: Her Process and Advice.” Professional Artist Magazine , July 30. 

2013 “Lumenis: New Paintings by Tracey Adams on View at the Winfield Gallery.” ar tdaily.org, 15 April. 

2013 Joanne Mattera. “ Extravagent Light ” (catalog essay). Swept Away: Translucence, 2013 Transparence, Transcendence in Contemporary Encaustic . Dennis, MA: The Cape Cod Museum of Art. 

2012 Debbi Lester. “ Tracey Adams and Radix 3 .” Art Access , 21 ( Summer ). 

2011 Donald Munro . “The Human Touch Exhibit Focuses on Form . ” Fresno Bee , February 3 . 

2009 Erin Clark. “Art Book Report: Mindful Inversions . ” Artworks , Fall . 

 Regina Cano. “ Exhibit Uses Patterns to Stimulate the Senses . ” Chautauqua Da ily , July 29 . 

2008 Geoff Wichert. “Color from the Hive . ” 15 Bytes , September ( www.artistsofutah.org ). 

2007 Michael Paglia . “Four Encaustic Artists.” Denver Westword , December 20 . 

2005 Lisa Crawford Wat son. “The Symmetry of Asymmetry.” Monterey Herald , February 17 . 

2005 Rick Deragon. “Shape Shifter . ” Coast Weekly , January 20 . 

2004 “A dvanced States of Concentration. ” Tricycle: The Buddhist Review , Winter . 

2003 “Pripomina vlnu i cudnu husenicu . ” Korzar , March 24 . 

2003 Miloslava Hriadelova. “Hladam ludi, ktori ma zaujmu . ” Kosicky Vecer, March 26 . 

2003 Rick Deragon. “Ancient Voyages . ” Coast Weekly , November 26 . 

2002 Rick Deragon . “Her Art, Her Story. ” Coast Weekly , November 7 . 

2000 Ann Nichols. “Artstravaganza 20 00.” Chattanooga Free Press, May 21 . 

1996 Kathryn M. Nichols. “Monotype Artist’s Plate is Full .” Monterey Herald , February 1, p. 8 . 

1996 Interviews/Presentations 

2014 “Video Project: The Art of Tracey Adams.” Interview at Music at Menlo, July 30. 

2014 “Café Conversations.” Interviewed by Cathy Kimball at Music at Menlo, July 30. 

2014 Visual Artist, Music at Menlo Chamber Music Festival & Institute, Atherton, CA, July - August. 

2013 “Cannibalism and the Art of Collage.” Presentation at the 7 th International Encausti c Conference, Provincetown, 31 May. 

2011 Lynette Haggard . Interview with Tracey Adams, Carmel, CA , July 5 (l ynettehaggard.blogspot.com ) . 

2008 “Becoming a Professional Artist.” Presentation at IEA conference, 10 May. 

2006 GEOFORM online interview on geom etric form and structure in contemporary abstract art. 

2003 Andrea Tomaschova. Vytvarnicka ( television interview ). Vychodoslovenska Galeria, March 25. 

2001 Maia Carroll. “Life in the Arts ” ( p rintmaking demonstration/ interview ). K MEX - TV, January 17 . 

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