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Fieroza Doorsen


Untitled 2011Untitled 2011
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2011
22.0 X 15.5 X 0.0 cm 8.7 X 6.1 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1297)Untitled (Id. 1297)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1297)
19.0 X 27.0 X 0.0 cm 7.5 X 10.6 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1291)Untitled (Id. 1291)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1291)
26.5 X 19.0 X 0.0 cm 10.4 X 7.5 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1289)Untitled (Id. 1289)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1289)
25.0 X 17.0 X 0.0 cm 9.8 X 6.7 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1286)Untitled (Id. 1286)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1286)
33.5 X 25.5 X 0.0 cm 13.2 X 10.0 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,300.00
Untitled (Id. 1279)Untitled (Id. 1279)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1279)
27.0 X 19.0 X 0.0 cm 10.6 X 7.5 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1295)Untitled (Id. 1295)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1295)
27.5 X 21.5 X 0.0 cm 10.8 X 8.5 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1284)Untitled (Id. 1284)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1284)
21.5 X 15.0 X 0.0 cm 8.5 X 5.9 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,000.00
Untitled (Id. 1283)Untitled (Id. 1283)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1283)
20.5 X 14.0 X 0.0 cm 8.1 X 5.5 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,000.00
Untitled 2009Untitled 2009
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2009
15.0 X 10.5 X 0.0 cm 5.9 X 4.1 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,000.00
Untitled (Id. 1276)Untitled (Id. 1276)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1276)
29.5 X 21.0 X 0.0 cm 11.6 X 8.3 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled 2311Untitled 2311
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2311
14.5 X 26.0 X 0.0 cm 5.7 X 10.2 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,000.00
Untitled 2310Untitled 2310
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2310
25.0 X 27.0 X 0.0 cm 9.8 X 10.6 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,300.00
Untitled 2308Untitled 2308
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2308
28.0 X 20.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 8.1 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled 2305Untitled 2305
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2305
28.0 X 20.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 8.1 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled 2302Untitled 2302
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2302
17.5 X 11.5 X 0.0 cm 6.9 X 4.5 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,000.00
Untitled 2012Untitled 2012
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2012
29.5 X 25.0 X 0.0 cm 11.6 X 9.8 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,600.00
Untitled 1914Untitled 1914
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 1914
26.0 X 18.5 X 0.0 cm 10.2 X 7.3 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,300.00
Untitled (Id. 1298)Untitled (Id. 1298)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1298)
23.0 X 17.0 X 0.0 cm 9.1 X 6.7 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1292)Untitled (Id. 1292)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1292)
25.0 X 17.5 X 0.0 cm 9.8 X 6.9 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1293)Untitled (Id. 1293)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1293)
Technique mixte
29.5 X 21.0 X 0.0 cm 11.6 X 8.3 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled 2010Untitled 2010
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2010
15.0 X 10.5 X 0.0 cm 5.9 X 4.1 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,000.00
Untitled (Id. 1277)Untitled (Id. 1277)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1277)
28.0 X 19.5 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 7.7 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1290)Untitled (Id. 1290)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1290)
29.5 X 21.0 X 0.0 cm 11.6 X 8.3 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled 2003Untitled 2003
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2003
30.0 X 21.0 X 0.0 cm 11.8 X 8.3 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,600.00
Untitled 2002Untitled 2002
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2002
23.0 X 17.0 X 0.0 cm 9.1 X 6.7 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,300.00
Untitled 1915Untitled 1915
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 1915
29.0 X 20.0 X 0.0 cm 11.4 X 7.9 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,400.00
Untitled 1513Untitled 1513
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 1513
23.0 X 17.0 X 0.0 cm 9.1 X 6.7 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,300.00
Untitled (Id. 1296)Untitled (Id. 1296)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1296)
29.5 X 21.0 X 0.0 cm 11.6 X 8.3 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1278)Untitled (Id. 1278)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1278)
28.0 X 22.0 X 0.0 cm 11.0 X 8.7 X 0.0 inch Prix de vente£1,250.00
Untitled (Id. 1282)Untitled (Id. 1282)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1282)
25.0 X 19.0 X 0.0 cm 9.8 X 7.5 X 0.0 inch


Untitled 2315Untitled 2315
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2315
34.5 X 25.5 X 0.0 cm 13.6 X 10.0 X 0.0 inch


Untitled 2304Untitled 2304
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2304
14.5 X 21.0 X 0.0 cm 5.7 X 8.3 X 0.0 inch


Untitled (Id. 1280)Untitled (Id. 1280)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1280)
21.0 X 28.0 X 0.0 cm 8.3 X 11.0 X 0.0 inch


Untitled (Id. 1294)Untitled (Id. 1294)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1294)
26.5 X 19.0 X 0.0 cm 10.4 X 7.5 X 0.0 inch


Untitled (Id. 1281)Untitled (Id. 1281)
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled (Id. 1281)
27.0 X 19.0 X 0.0 cm 10.6 X 7.5 X 0.0 inch


Untitled 2005Untitled 2005
Fieroza Doorsen
Untitled 2005
21.0 X 29.5 X 0.0 cm 8.3 X 11.6 X 0.0 inch


Fieroza Doorsen est une artiste abstraite anglaise qui a développé son propre langage personnel avec un accent sur les motifs et les formes colorées. Elle vit et travaille à Londres.

Fieroza Doorsen


Elle a obtenu une maîtrise en gravure à la Chelsea School of Art de Londres en 1985 et un BA en beaux-arts au Ravensbourne College of Art de Londres en 1984.

Image 2 de Fieroza Doorsen


Fieroza Doorsen utilise une large gamme de matériaux : charbon, encre, pastel, huile, acrylique, gouache et collage, produisant des œuvres sur papier, de l'huile sur toiles et des sculptures murales.


Doorsen utilise le dessin comme moyen d'explorer des idées et des formes. Elle joue avec des courbes et des lignes, des marques géométriques et des formes organiques, utilisant à la fois la couleur et le monochrome. Son approche artistique rappelle quelque peu l'Arte Povera, utilisant des matériaux tels que du papier de soie et de la cire.

Image 3 de Fieroza Doorsen
Image 4 de Fieroza Doorsen

Citations pertinentes

«Principalement abstraites, les images de Doorsen vont de motifs répétés à des formes organiques aux couleurs vives. Ces œuvres entraînent le spectateur dans un langage visuel qui évoque les matrices formelles de l'abstraction classique qui s'accumulent dans le vocabulaire d'un langage distinctif et individuel. » (commissaires de l'exposition Emergence, Paris, 2014)


Ses œuvres sont présentes dans des collections publiques et privées à l'échelle internationale, notamment la Penguin Collection London et la Deedee Rose Collection à Dallas.


Elle a principalement et régulièrement exposé au Royaume-Uni, mais son travail a également été exposé en France, aux États-Unis et en Italie.


Wilson Stephens & Jones, Londres, Royaume-Uni

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1984 - 85 Chelsea School of Art, London, Printmaking MA
1981 - 84 Ravensborne College of Art, London, Fine Art BA

Solo Exhibitions

2014 Fieroza Doorsen Works on Paper, Wilson Stephens and Jones Fine Art, London (Catalogue)
2007 Fieroza Doorsen Recent work, Emma Hill Fine Art, Eagle Gallery, London
2005 Fieroza Doorsen, Goss Gallery, Dallas
1997 Fieroza Doorsen, The Bull Art Centre, London

Selected Group Exhibitions

2015 London Art Fair, Islington , (Wilson Stephens & Jones Fine Art)
2014 London Art Fair, Islington, (Wilson Stephens & Jones Fine Art)
2014 Drawing , Emma Hill Fine Art, Eagle Gallery, London
2013 Emergence , Curated by Erin Lawlor, Katrin Bremermann, Yifat Gat, Hotel de Sauroy, Paris (Catalogue)
2013 London Art Fair, Islington, (Wilson Stephens Fine Art)
2012 London Art Fair, Islington, (Wilson Stephens Fine Art)
2011 ART AT HOME , Curated by Mimmi O'Connell and Filippo Tattoni - Marcozzi, Eaton Square, London
2011 Poste Concret , Paris CONCRET, Paris
2011 London Art Fair, Islington, (Wilson Stephens Fine Art)
2010 Drawings , Emma Hill Fine Art, Eagle Gallery, London
2009 Altered Images , Emma Hill Fine Art, Eagle Gallery, London
2009 Summertime , Curated by Filippo Tattoni - Marcozzi, Warehouse Contemporary Art, Teramo, Abruzzo, Italy
2008 Scope Art Fair, Miami (Warehouse Contemporary Art)
2008 Promised Land , Curated by Filippo Tattoni - Marcozzi, Warehouse Contemporary Art, Teramo, Abruzzo, Italy
2006 If it didn’t exist you’d have to invent it: a partial Showroom history , The Showroom, London
2006 A Wild Bunch , Curated by Stephanie Ferrario, At Home, London
2005 Frosted , Emma Hill Fine Art: Eagle Gallery, London
2004 Fieroza Doorsen, Helen Ireland, Sam Reveles, Emma Hill Fine Art, Eagle Gallery, London
2003 20x5 Drawings , Emma Hill Fine Art, Eagle Gallery, London
2002 By Hand: The Outer Limits of Drawing , Curated by Paul Hedge, Hales Gallery, London 2001 Works on Paper, Ha miltons, London
1994 6th Mostyn Open Exhibition (Commendation), Oriel Mostyn
1993 Privacy, (Documentario 2) Curated by Gianni Romano, Spazio Opos, Milan (Catalogue)
1992 Seventeen, British and American Artists , Greenwich Street, New York (Catalogue)
1992 Love at First Sight , Curated by Graham Gussin, The Showroom, London
1992 In and Out , Back and Forth, 578 Broadway, New York (Catalogue)
1992 Alison Cant, Fieroza Doorsen, Carina Weidle, Curated by Marc Hulson, Infanta of Castile,London
1991 Five British Artists, Curated by Christa Gather, Thomas Backhaus Gallery, Dusseldorf (Catalogue)
1990 From a Position of Safety, Citicorp, London Harvest Beige, Citicorp, London


British Council, Grants to Artists


Works in public and private collections around the world including the Penguin Collection, London and the Deedee Rose Collection, Dallas

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